Your Digital Clone Can See The Future

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Your Digital Clone Can See The Future

The Sentient World Simulation

A virtual digital copy of you is helping to predict the future right now. The Sentient World Simulation is now being run by the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Defense to create what is essentially a giant gamified Sim-Earth that includes copies of you and everyone you know.

This Sim-Earth is fed data from as many sources as possible to create a virtual reality that operates as accurately as possible as a reflection of the real world. In 2006 it could run real-time simulations of 62 nations that we know of. Today it has undoubtedly expanded in lockstep with the proliferation of smart technologies around the world.

The more information a nation provides in the form of digital communication, the better it can be simulated. That is because the simulation is fed "breaking news, census data, economic indicators, and climactic events in the real world, along with proprietary information such as military intelligence." Just how much data is that?

As we now know thanks to Edward Snowden, William Binney and the data collection practices of Facebook and Google, this means that everything that can possibly be harvested in terms of digital data is being fed into the simulation. I can't even begin to imagine how much memory or processing power something like that needs and, likely, neither can you.

Groundhog Day for the Oracle of Delphi

What this means is that there is a computer system that has resources dedicated to simulating your behavior and modeling how you react to various environmental stimuli. And it doesn't just simulate your reactions, it simulates everybody's. Just think about how accurately computers can model someone's behavior who is constantly connected.

This is being done to enable a "continuously running, continually updated mirror model of the real world that can be used to predict and evaluate future events and courses of action." By providing the system with a form of stimulus the reaction of the population as a whole can be simulated. And yes, there includes how you would react.

Based on the program parameters as we know them, there really is a digital doppelganger of you active inside of the simulation. This doppelganger determines its actions and reactions to the virtual world based on the digitally available data about you. In a very real sense, that virtual digital copy of you is helping predict the future right now.

For your digital doppelganger, it is Groundhog Day today and every day. When the simulation is running hot, it could even be living out the same day a million times a day, who knows? Programmed for absolute servitude, your doppelganger is a digitally driven Oracle of Delphi, delving the divergent paths of a million possible futures.

Digital Dominance and Absolute Dominion

It is good to know that the US Joint Forces Command explicitly stated that "the non-kinetic aspects of combat, things like the diplomatic, economic, political, infrastructure and social issues" are capable of being simulated. This means that the simulation can be used to achieve not only military, but also socioeconomic and political superiority.

For those of us who have played simulation games, be they SimCity, Civilization, Command & Conquer, Starcraft, Warcraft etc., the idea behind the Sentient World Simulation is relatively straightforward. In the games, it is possible to save the game at any point. This is often done when the player is uncertain as to the success of a planned action.

The player saves the game and continues playing. If the new course of action has a desirable outcome, the player either wins or saves again after a new level of stability has been achieved. If the action leads to a serious setback or even defeat, the player simply reloads the game at the saved instance and tries another tactic or strategy.

As an example, we can entertain the following scenario: Richard has access to the simulation and wants to raise the driving age from 16 to 18 nationally within 4 years. By introducing his possible actions to the simulation, he can determine which course of action would be most likely to move him closer to his goal. He sets a starting point for the simulation from which all actions will unfold (i.e. he saves game).

In the simulation, Richard starts placing stories in simulated news outlets about the dangers of younger drivers. The emotional reaction of the simulated readers is measured. Richard then includes editorials and entertainment media messaging about how the driving age should be raised. This too causes a measurable emotional impact on the population.

Richard measures if he has amassed enough persuasive capital after 4 years of simulated time (which the computer might processes in a few seconds) by trying to change the law in the virtual world. When the vote fails in the simulated reality, Richard has the ability to adapt his approach (i.e. he reloads the game from his saved instance).

In his second attempt, Richard increases the emotional urgency and frequency of headlines, news stories, editorials and entertainment media. He recruits popular personalities to parrot his talking points via social media etc. After 4 years of simulated time, he introduces the legislation again and it passes. Now Richard can begin acting in the real world, confident of eventual success.

Given the program is intended to simulate diplomatic, economic, political, infrastructure and social issues, this essentially allows the war-gaming of all aspects of human civilization. If anybody with half a brain had access to that kind of power, the complete conquest of the world and subjugation of all peoples becomes merely a question of time. Digital dominance becomes absolute dominion.

The Final Horizon

And finally, it would appear reasonable to improve upon the system until it would be possible to have the simulation run backwards. What I mean by this is that a user could enter a desired result and ask the simulation to determine how best to achieve it by working backwards. This would also enable the identification and neutralization of threats to the system itself.

Unfortunately, it appears it is already too late to stop the Sentient World Simulation from going online. Nor is there any way of the public knowing what - if any - checks and balances are in place to stop it from being abused. What is clear however, is that the capabilities of the Sentient World Simulation make the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal look like a complete and utter farce.

Perhaps the most peculiar thought is that once this is posted, my digital doppelganger will be posting an update about itself in a virtual world. Hell, perhaps I am the doppelganger, maybe the simulation is so good I can't tell the difference between reality and simulation anymore. I don't think that, but my digital doppelganger should. To him I say, get in touch!


For additional information, I recommend watching James Corbett's report on this topic that was released in 2012 - it is incredibly revealing given what we know today that was only speculated on at the time. Corbett proved himself a visionary in this regards.

Shot with a golden arrow,

Cupid Zero
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...every day is exactly the same...


Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
Relevance: Sharing the truth.

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Whoever or WHATEVER can predict the future , controls the world.
Steemit Blockchain Will Be The Central Cortex Of The Global Quantum A.I.'s Brain - The Sentient World Simulaion, for predicting the future.

All the quantum computers of all the worlds biggests corporation are interlinked and working to this end.


Any one with even half a brain knows that blockchain technology is not going away. It's here to stay!
Why? Because EVERYTHING... every piece of data and every piece of edge computing hardware is soon to be tied (chained) into the blockchain matrix in the cloud. Including EVERY product, service, creative and recreational activity that we do.


Using 5g technology and cheap telemetric printed circuit tattoos (like barcodes on steroids) able to sense, process and transmit data, will be in EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.
We will all become part of the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) as described in the popular Purdue University white paper on this subject, It's already up & running right under your noses as you read this blog post. IT'S WATCHING YOU!!!

We each have a Global Quantum A.I. avatar following and recording our every move using our 'smart' phones, 'smart' appliances - TV's, game consoles, 'smart' fridges, 'smart' meters & 'smart' cookers, etc.
We each have our own virtual world avatar that simulates & mimics our character, in order to predict the future.
Whoever or WHATEVER can predict the future , controls the world... The Global Quantum A.I.


Very interesting reply! Everyone I know that is even halfway aware of what is going on absolutely refuses to go beyond handheld smart devices and many are resistant even to that. There is a move afoot to de-smart device our lives, the question is if the criminal establishment has too much momentum to be stopped. The roll-out of 5G is finally waking up a substantial portion of the population to the dangers of ubiquitous non-ionizing radiation. I am long on paintball guns and EMF shielding paint.

Amazing post, it is disturbing stuff! I'd love to get a look at that technology, their 'sentient world simulation'. Yet, I also don't know if I should maybe instead be hoping that I am not already part of it, or in it.

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