Towards Voluntaryism (Part 36)

in #informationwar6 years ago

4.1. Condensed Action Plan 2: Restoring Constitutional Government in 7 Steps

Towards Voluntaryism (Part 36)


Condensed Action Plan 2: Restoring Constitutional Government in 7 Steps

Towards Voluntaryism has identified a number of useful means to enable good actors to restore integrity and accountability to the educational and political systems. The tactics presented in the series Towards Voluntaryism are uniformly feasible, peaceful and legal. In combination with the plan to restore integrity to the education system, the described tactics can be united into a comprehensive strategy to restore constitutional governance and societal stability as a stepping stone towards Voluntaryism.

The founding documents of the United States, the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights were specifically formulated to limit the power of government and to place ultimate power in the hands of the people. Indeed all governmental power is delegated to it by the people. Government can only restrict freedoms, never grant them. Government should protect your freedoms, not limit, abridge or eliminate them.

The consent and will of the people, despite well over a century of active subversion and abuse, remains the ultimate foundation of all law and order in the United States. As such, the written formulation of the law has included mechanisms that are provided as contingencies in the event the system becomes dominated by bad actors or fools, as is the case today. These mechanisms must be made use of to restore Constitutional governance. It has become clear government has been fatally compromised by ideologies antithetical to freedom and individual rights.

Admittedly, the diabolical corruption of the political establishment and intentional destruction of the education system has almost completely eliminated public knowledge of the private citizen's powers and responsibilities in yoking government to the will of the people. The following will seek, in an extremely condensed form, to crystallize how the tactics presented throughout Towards Voluntaryism can be initiated in a manner that should be difficult to counter in the realm of governance and its reformation/restoration.

Please bear in mind that Towards Voluntaryism as a series details the rationale, manner and challenge of performing each of the following steps in detail and are to be consulted when relevant. Each installment of Towards Voluntaryism also includes links to additional relevant information. The following is not a plan for the faint of heart, but it should be effective.

None of the following should be considered legal or financial advice. Consult with your lawyer or financial advisor before deciding on any course of action.

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Step 1: Form a coalition of like-minded individuals (white hats).

Restoring government by the people, for the people and of the people in line with Constitutional principles as formulated by the Founding Fathers will require a coalition of individuals. Ideally, this coalition will draw together individuals of diverse educational and professional backgrounds. It would be extremely beneficial if white hats are willing to voluntarily perform their professions in support of the coalition's efforts. Of particular interest would be law enforcement officers and lawyers willing to accept a minimal retainer fee. All walks of life however have something to contribute as restoring government is a full-spectrum endeavor.

Staying on task is the number one priority. A highly recommended read for maintaining organizational integrity as an activist group is How to Spot a Spy. This text provides a short guide to identifying saboteurs, provocateurs, informants, surveillance etc. Any significant progress by a coalition of white hats to restore the power of governance to its rightful masters, i.e. the public, will likely be met with stiff resistance, both overt and covert. Be prepared.

Step 2: Pool resources and hire a lawyer.

Hire a lawyer on retainer that can field questions and engage in the event of legal necessity. Further, a lawyer will be particularly useful for determining the viability of ballot initiatives (see Step 6) and for evaluating the viability and practicality of executing citizen's arrests on public servants who break the law or violate their oaths of duty, see Towards Voluntaryism (Part 34) Final Thoughts on Citizen's Arrest. The tactic of performing a citizen's arrest is another reason to have a few sympathetic law enforcement officers in the white hat coalition, see Towards Voluntaryism (Part 28) 3.11. Government: Using Citizen's Arrests to Combat Corruption as well as Parts 29-34.

Step 3: Internal information campaign.

A firm foundation for further action must be established by gathering information relevant to your jurisdiction. Determine the laws and procedures governing the initiation of ballot propositions, recall of public servants (both elected and appointed), and citizen's arrest laws in your area (see Step 4). Form a reading circle and read the law. Make a list of laws not being enforced in your region by public servants, of public servants that have committed crimes and not been held to account. Particular attention should be paid to individuals populating the local board of education, city council, law enforcement, mayor's office, the state legislature and governor's office. What are the laws governing public meetings and public servant's execution of their duties? White hat attendance at and recording of all public meetings highly advised.

See Towards Voluntaryism (Part 26) 3.9. Government: Enacting Anti-Corruption Legislation via Ballot Initiative and Towards Voluntaryism (Part 27) 3.10. Government: Removing Corrupt & Incompetent Public Servants via Recall.

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Step 4: Participation in public meetings.

Once the white hat coalition deems itself sufficiently informed, begin actively participating in public meetings (city council, education board etc.) en masse. Use half of the time allotted for speaking to address the issues presented and the other half to educate those present that government is a delegated servant, not master. Inform those present about citizen's arrest laws in your state. Make it a point to remind present law enforcement of their obligation to finish the execution of a citizen's arrest if one is performed or they themselves can be held accountable for neglect of duty, obstruction of justice, etc. Check your local laws and ordinances. This is fair warning for any and all corrupt or inept public servants that they have been put on notice.

Keep in mind you must know the local laws for citizen's arrest inside and out - some jurisdictions enable citizen's arrest for misdemeanors, some restrict it to felonies. You must know what crime you are initiating an arrest for. Know what you are doing! The likelihood of becoming embroiled in legal action is high; if however you are wrongfully arrested, assaulted etc., the press and financial compensation after the fact may be worth it.

Immediately upon the perpetration of any crime at a public meeting, inform a present law enforcement officer of his or her obligation to arrest or cite the perpetrator. If they neglect to perform their duty, enact a citizen's arrest and force present law enforcement to uphold the law. If law enforcement refuses, place them under citizen's arrest for neglect of duty as well and inform them they are to summon their superior officer. Wash, rinse and repeat until the dominoes fall. And fall they must. It is a strategy of escalating legal pressure until capitul0taion through compliance is achieved, and the law is on the side of the law-abiding.

In addition to Towards Voluntaryism (Part 28) 3.11. Government: Using Citizen's Arrests to Combat Corruption, see Towards Voluntaryism (Part 29) 3.11.1. Citizen's Arrest Laws I: Alabama to Georgia, Towards Voluntaryism (Part 30) 3.11.2. Citizen's Arrest Laws II: Hawaii to Maryland, Towards Voluntaryism (Part 31) 3.11.3. Citizen's Arrest Laws III: Massachusetts to New Jersey, Towards Voluntaryism (Part 32) 3.11.4. Citizen's Arrest Laws IV: New Mexico to South Carolina, Towards Voluntaryism (Part 33) 3.11.5. Citizen's Arrest Laws V: South Dakota - Wyoming + Washington D.C., and Towards Voluntaryism (Part 34) 3.11.6 Final Thoughts on Citizen's Arrests. See also: Misconduct in Public Office, Malfeasance in Office. Check the relevant legislation for your jurisdiction.

A single such event will place all law enforcement in the region on alert that there will be consequences for not following and enforcing the law as they are obliged to do. It will also result in a chain reaction effect that has the potential to have national reach. If such a consequence is desired, choose your moment carefully.

Step 5: Public Information Campaign

Concurrent with steps 4, 6 and 7, a coordinated public information campaign should be initiated that emphasizes the necessity of public intervention to restore governmental integrity as a representative of the people and not a ruler of the people. It is unlikely that corporate media will willingly participate in informing the public of their rights in reforming government and enforcing the law via citizen's arrest, ballot initiative, recall and jury nullification. Paid advertising may be necessary to achieve public awareness, perhaps the most effective of which are newspaper advertisements, flyers and billboards.

Informing the public about jury nullification is absolutely essential for enabling the restoration of government by establishing precedents upon which unjust laws or the unjust application of laws can be repealed, see Towards Voluntaryism (Part 25) 3.8. Government: Jury Nullification & Opposing Injustice.

Step 6: Ballot Initiative

The quickest and most effective means to restore constitutional government is to make it a mandate of the people and to enact that mandate via a ballot initiative. Contact the office or agency responsible in your jurisdiction and inform yourself about how to introduce a ballot initiative at the municipal or state level. For general information on ballot initiatives, see Towards Voluntaryism (Part 26) 3.9. Government: Enacting Anti-Corruption Legislation via Ballot Initiative.

My recommendations for ballot initiatives can be found under the following links and are designed to make it impossible for public servants to profit from their office beyond their salary, mandate all lobbying efforts be 100% transparent, revise campaign financing to eliminate elections being bought by moneyed interests, pegging public servant salaries to the wellbeing of their constituencies, and revising taxation to conform with the desires of the constituency. Your coalition of white hats is responsible for amending, modifying and tailoring such suggestions to your local needs.

Cupid Zero suggestions:

Be prepared for a long and drawn out campaign to restore local governance to constitutional principles. Corrupt and incompetent public servants who are more intent on their personal power and prestige than the well-being of their constituency will not relinquish their power without resistance. Any public servants that resist the ballot initiative should be subjected to an immediate recall effort. See step 5.

The most important goals, I believe, should be criminalizing the ability of public servants to benefit from lobbying efforts, mandating their salaries be pegged to the well-being of their constituencies and mandating the education of juries on jury nullification.

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Step 7. Recall If Necessary

Particularly problematic elected and appointed public servants that resist ballot initiatives or reforming the laws in accordance with the wishes of the population should be subjected to a recall effort. Given that recalls can be initiated purely due to political dissatisfaction, it is surprising that recalls are not constantly ongoing events in practically every jurisdiction. If a politician does not fulfill their campaign pledge in the time promised, they should be immediately be subjected to a recall effort. Depending on your jurisdiction, varying offices may be recalled. See Towards Voluntaryism (Part 27) 3.10. Government: Removing Corrupt & Incompetent Public Servants via Recall. There is literally no reason that recall efforts not be initiated immediately against any public servant not seeking to restore limited constitutional governance or who fails to genuinely pursue their campaign promises.

Any and all recall initiatives should be accompanied by public information campaigns about why the respective public servant should be recalled on billboards jurisdiction wide. As in all public information campaigns, information and opinion pieces should be provided to local and national press outlets. It is likely that most contributions will not be published and one should not be surprised if the corporate media is against any efforts to reform the current corrupt system, do not be discouraged!

Optional: If a member of your coalition is prepared to run for public office in order to support the reforms desired, have them sign a contract guaranteeing their behavior and then support them in campaigning for office. It may be easiest to start with the office of your city ward representative (or equivalent) or go straight for governor, regardless of where one starts, the opportunity to educate the public about the nature and responsibilities of governance.

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Next [Towards Voluntaryism (Part 37) - Intermission / Interim Conclusion]

Shot with a golden arrow,

Cupid Zero
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