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RE: The Transgender Agenda Exposed- "How Camps Welcome Transgender Youth"

in #informationwar7 years ago

wow! very nice read. A very strange situation I would say for many kids. its just crazy whats going on now a days and their agenda is getting very very clear. certain things like have a transgender in a camp... with your kid in the same tent/bedroom? sounds a little too much if you ask me.

I do understand certain situations maybe when a human would get a gender change.
But to let someone choose their own gender? Idk... this just mind boggles me especially when you think about kids that shouldnt even know about sex and worry about the opposite sex body parts... they are just too young for all of this and now they will be getting a chance to choose something that could permanently hurt them for the rest of their lives.... They are just tooooo young to choose at that age ( the age where kids to go camps)

Thanks again for this! keep up the good work!


At some point I will post another about the final solution they are implementing of giving all the children they have identified as transgender powerful drugs to permanently sterilize them.