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RE: Anti-vaccine billboards warning that shots 'can kill' appear in several states

in #informationwar6 years ago

If vaccines were so "safe and effective" why does big pharma and the government have to constantly remind us of this.

Because of antivaxx idiots spreading lies and uninformed bullshit.



Too often, we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought...

That is an outright lie -

The rates are falling due to vaccinations, or maybe it's just a coincidence that there were thousands of measles deaths before vaccinations.


@cryptogee a healthy diet of God-made alkaline foods keeps one healthy, not manmade medicines.

Tell that to an HIV victim in Africa who cannot afford the medicines that would keep them alive if they lived in the West.



Clearly a Gates lover!!!

No, clearly a person who has had relatives die in Nigeria of completely curable diseases.

Luckily for you, modern medicine keeps you alive long enough so that you can denigrate the very thing that allows you to spread your ignorance.

In case you were wondering, that's called irony... tragic irony.



They've been pushing their drugs & vaccines for YEARS.

They are pushing them more NOW b/c they ramping up their agenda to harm or kill off the population.

Just like the Gates family has been pushing & coaxing 3rd world COUNTRIES to shoot up while deforming & killing off the women & children there.

I guess you don't believe in COMPETITION!!!

People have only had ONE choice most of their lives & NOW holistic is starting to gain traction again & you are WORRIED they aren't making enough money due to some billboard competition LOL

They lost a million on their last quarter. - OH WOW!!!

I'm taking it you live in a Western country? Meaning because of the polio vaccine, you have never seen somebody with polio, or diphtheria, or a multitude of other diseases that you think can be cured with green tea and chanting.

I'd love to be able to put you up in a shack in rural Nigeria with $50 and say, right, go and survive for a year. Oh by the way, try not to cut yourself or get sick, because flying home to the comfort of the west is not an option, and tetanus kills.

You are what Dawkins calls, a yapping terrier of ignorance.

Seriously dude, pick an African country and go and live there, and then come back to me.


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