Do we really have freedom? What is freedom? Will we ever have it? Are we the Governments slaves? who is really controlling us? RE-UP

in #informationwar7 years ago

 For many years I have asked myself "have I ever experienced freedom?" and this is a very difficult question to answer but no we have not. With powers like the government all in everyone's lives we will never have financial freedom or the freedom to make money because the government is greedy and they want to take what is not theirs. Another thing we need to do to give ourselves freedom is to not go with the governments flow. The world tries to trick us into going to school, getting a job, making a salary of 100,000 a year just for the greedy hands of the government to take 40% of your hard earned money. I am not trying to say school is wrong or a bad place but is it really helping us? No I have to admit without the government we would not have roads,schools,well fare, or charity but also without we would be free. The government puts in our heads that they are doing everything they can to help us but we can see though their little manipulative lies. The part that is messed up is our societies believe the garbage the government feeds them. We as the people need to fight the governments messed up ways of dealing with its people because it is only trying to find a way to benefit itself and put money in its own pocket not the people it claims it loves so dearly. We as the people or "underdogs" are just puppets used to make the government look better and to help them profit.

For years all the government has done is protect the rich but exploit the poor for their own personal gain. The government alone has screwed over so many peoples lives and has ruined success because of their crappy so called we love the people system but the truth is the government only cares about itself and it manipulates it citizens for its personal gain.  Nearly 1/2 of the world's population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day. 1 billion children worldwide are living in poverty. According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty,but if the government cared about its people it would change that their lives and make sure that did not happen.

To wrap things up, we do not live in a free society and what the government the president and other world powers tell you is a lie and we will never experience freedom until these powers are gone.Follow me @crypto-pro and upvote my articles for more informative stories/theories. 

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