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RE: Huxley, A "Brave New World", and Decentralized Liberty

in #informationwar7 years ago

I think of Brave New World as the most prescient of the early 20th-century dystopians. 1984 is good, but Huxley absolutely nailed the fake society of the 21st century. You've outlined a lot of the reasons why.

Decentralized liberty, JS Mill would say, is the only kind worthy of the name. No, it doesn't produce a society free of risk, but it does produce a society where free will is possible.

This is a cracking read. Well done.


great comment! thank you!

Huxley absolutely nailed the fake society of the 21st century

the Soviet model of secret police failed...the corruptocrats may have learned a lesson from that

Maybe. The question is, even if they learned, would they care? But the drug culture, the unlimited sexuality, all of it is right on, and they definitely have learned that those kinds of bread and circuses are very effective.

Sadly, I was referring to the fact that they learned that they needed to switch to different methods of control.

Personally, I don't care if the rest of the world is enslaved by soma, as long as a) they leave me out of it and b) they choose it themselves.

My core belief is that condition a just isn't possible due to human nature

I don't promote liberty coz I'm nice guy; it's preemptive self-defense!

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