
(((counterfeit currency))) buys them all the politicians and judges they need. How do we break this cycle? THAT is the quazillion$ question. Right?

We support our committee's of safety's.

Can you give us the bridge from forming a CoS to stopping the flow of FRNs? least in your respective county? Please give us the 60 second commercial version. I want to pass it around the internet.

Instead of the currency being tied to Gold & Silver as the commodity that provides the intrinsic value to make a Currency Money FRN's are tied to oil and is why even speculating the price of oil down is discouraged and also why oil cost so much.

Change the condition of oil's necessity in our economy and you break the FRN's value cycle. Think about why Cannibals is illegal, because it can be turned into a fuel that rivals oil in usefulness. Finding another source of energy is the key to breaking the FRN and is why inventors have their inventions stolen by corporations or their live taken to keep oil in power.

Thank about the fact that in order for information to get out it has to go through media and you see why over 90% of all media is owned and controlled by Zionist Jews is because everything is owned by them through fractional banking practices which amounts to theft. This is why china is tying its currency to oil, and also why their GDP is Bull.

Once you understand that it is all a fraud you get that we merely need to insist on law through our committee's of safety to bring this fraud down.

no. no. no. Come ON Common. the "news" about cryptoCurrency got around the zioBanking cabal. So hemp oil investments can as well. The land to grow this stuff on isn't owned by them. The sheriff's departments might be, of course... but there is a distinct way around that. We have enough states where growing this "weed" is completely legal. Where do we start? Who will purchase it in fuel form? Does it require refining?

It is refined using the same process that is used to refine corn or really any plant into a oil. That is all I know. You will have to do research about it to fined out. You could start by looking up:

The Rebirth of Industrial Hemp: Processing and Bio-refineries

As Trump seeks ethanol deal, oil industry resists

As Trump seeks ethanol deal, oil industry resists

Wisconsin farmers interested in growing industrial hemp ...

State farmers showing strong interest in growing industrial ...

I am sure their is more, but as the people on the front line's you need to know. I haven't read the details on what the information has just did a DuckDuckGo search and found these.

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