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RE: Ayahuasca And DMT (And Psylocibin)

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

I tried DMT and Mushrooms at the same time. I was coming down off the mushrooms, took 3 big hits of DMT and got transported out of this world to another one with Live Robots that had infinite skin. Hard to explain, but it was the most elaborate place ever! This place was even more bizarre than the dream world! Everything was made of fractals, the "Machine Elves" were fractal holographic entities. I actually communicated with them and it made my brain warm, felt like info was uploaded! After DMT I got way smarter now I can do anything I set my mind to, also I became more psychic! Heres my DMT!
Heres my advice, don't be scared and take 3 giant hits and hold them as long as you can. You are going to think you died, that is normal, lol. You EGO will die when you meet the Machine Elves. You become one of them while you are there! You will be the universe. Get your girlfriend (If she lets you)to pre-load and pass you the pipes if you're too scared! Save some for her too! I like to do it by myself because I don't want my anyone to see me passed out looking dead! lol, but my first time I had a friend teach it to me! It is the best thing I ever did, but don't take too little, it is a waste! To tell the truth I'm too scared to do more right now, for maybe months to years I don't know, once you know you know! It forever changed me! Also the Machine Elves know about Bitcoin they told me to Buy Ether!! Also when you come back you can see the internet waves and radio waves crisscrossing the world. You can see an alien ship hovering right above us! For real they are us in control, we are really up there, this is a game down here, we go back and fourth!


Wow! Thanks so much for sharing this my friend :-) You make me want to make haste with this experiment even more! I forgot to mention that in some older cultures these plants and mushrooms were used to PREPARE their elderly for DEATH. I saw this in one of the many documentaries I saw on the subject. The substance was used to take away any fear there might be about dying, as to say "don't worry, dying isn't that bad, and it's not the end." Your description, and that of many others mention that it feels like you die, but that it's actually the ego that dies...

Oh man, can't wait to try this! Thanks again my friend; I really appreciate you taking the time to explain about your escapades in "Robot Heaven"!! 🙏🏼

Yeah right before I thought I died I started seeing so many colors and hallucinations while i was standing awake, I felt that OMG I think I just went too far. I had a realization that I just broke myself, my vision, I thought to myself, wow this is what it is like to be crazy! Then I thought Oh this is what they mean when they say say no to drugs! That is how the ego died because I realized if I stayed like this forever i would be crazy here. Thats when I passed out and went into the other dimension. So there will be shock and fear at some point, just gotta trust you will come back and try not to fight it and worry! Take tour time, interested to read about your experiences when your ready!

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