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RE: Images and Links Reveal Role of Hollywood Celebrity Angelina Jolie in Promoting Western Propaganda for Wars in Syria, Libya, Iraq and KONY2012 Psyop Campaign in Africa

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

No doubt, their methodology is to "use the children". They always use the children. In order to make sure territorial gains and public brainwashing as to what supposedly took place are cemented narratively it is necessary for them to establish normalization and stability. This is where Hollywood stars play key roles and help steer the unaware publics perception after the war. They step in and help put makeup on the horrific, murderous Empires blemishes within the publicly-sold narrative. They guide the public away from addressing the root cause (US invasion/support for terror groups/false flags) while exploiting the children/victims in order to keep things moving forward on the global chessboard for the 'coalition' that is backed by the UN (nefarious western and Gulf State powers).

Essentially they serve Empire by making things palatable, that otherwise would have not been, therefore prepping the publics mindset for the next 'humanitarian intervention' in the next country targeted by the Empire. They are simply a "soft power" tool. Some would argue that these 'stars' are unaware dupes, but I think that it is naïve to think such. One doesn't participate in what Jolie is doing without being fully aware of what actually took place, and one doesn't attain roles and accolades from the CFR, British Foreign Office and US State Department without an understanding of how the global game works.

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