Wikileaks Assange Greenwald Weinstein Revelation nothing except:

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Is it me or did Julian Assange, Glenn Greenwald amd Intercept turn the Weinstein sex crimes and hiring of contractors and spies into "he had and used political influence on elections" and Hillary" Does this mean now when we search for Weinstein crimes thats going to the top of the list? Didn't that already come out?

Why do they never OUT sex crimes of high placed people or pedogate? Anonymous members once showed real questionable things on Greenwald and links to pedophiles

Abu Gharib was not only about sex crimes.

Who thinks with all the leaks they haven't had the opportunity to expose high ranked and across ranks sex crimes and pedophelia?

So now as we expose: The Men Who Hate Women show up and change the narrarative. Why am I not surprised. Once upon a time I gave them a chance to show they are what they claim even though I knew they'd gotten my case august 2012:

It cost me my google accounts and much more, trauma right before and after inflicted, easily remembered, so vivid since it was tandemed with Nice, Cannes, Cannes La Bocca wall of water flooding event just as I got off train in Reims. Ecuador did not bother to follow up. Awkward.


Julian has to be hunted or live in an embassy or he is irrelevant he couldn't be the stupid mess making scum with a scum embassy protecting it.

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