
"zero talk of foreign policy"
"I didn't watch it"



You describing the candidates as "angry librarians" and "mean people" is hilarious, the precious snowflake feelings and ad hominem attacks are just so funny.

It's jokes. And there was no talk of any foreign policy proposals that were striking. If there was, they would have been shut out of the debate: see Tulsi Gabbard.

I described one candidate as an angry librarian. The one who looks like an angry librarian. And yes, they all seem very pissed at Americans for some reason.

None of it hurts my feelings.

I'm just honestly confused at what the DNC's political plan to beat Trump is.

They aren't pushing Bernie or Tulsi. They only two with the energy behind them to beat him in a general.

And finally, yeah, I didn't watch. Neither did a ton of progressives I know who hate the DNC.

The DNC is stupid, that goes without saying, but doing a 10 minute video about a debate you didn't watch is also pretty stupid.

Tulsi voted to increase the military budget, and also she voted against the first amendment and she voted against free speech, so thats a weird thing.

Bernie is the only actual candidate, the rest are distractions that you haven't researched enough.

I was bored and didn't have a topic for the day.

Tulsi isn't perfect. She pissed off the War Party and would push the discussion towards the wars if she was around.

I could care less about electoral politics. Since I'm an anarchist and wouldn't campaign for someone to use State power to enact their policies.

If they're distractions, why would I research them? I know enough about them. If they want to infringe on rights or can't string a paragraph together about one of the 7 wars with equal or more intelligence than any of the journalists I read, they aren't worth my time.

I was heavily involved in elections and campaigning in 08 and 2012. I know how the game is played.

Bernie is the only real independent candidate they're allowing to speak. I'm sure they have more tricks up their sleeves if he gets close to winnings.

There is only one party in Washington that matters. And touching the empire crossing the line.

It's a circus and sideshow. So I will treat it like one.

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