
abolish gerrymandering.
there's an app for that.
Use a program to equally a portion each state into grids with each portion having the same population.

abolish corruption and subversion too

there's a multi tool app for that ;>

yeah..but it's loud and messy.

and besides....we're wired for tribalism. Until we find a system that integrates with our basic genetics there will always be corruption and subversion.

even when we do realize what our basic nature is, there will still be problems

a small percentage of humanity is born bad, the plurality of humanity are cowards, and the majority of humanity are conformists

not a good combo for anything other than a manipulative dictator

our genetics are for nomads.
small groups.
If we could find a way for our technology to allow that.
Many problems would be solved.

small groups allow for better social control...the eskimos had a word for a guy that somebody would push off the ice when no one is looking LOL

I don't know, but my gut says that small groups arent conducive to scientific advancement...ALTHOUGH with decentralization of communications, knowledge should be able to be shared across nodes effectively

my other thought is that small groups arent quick enough to respond to the pyscho that does con large amounts of cults into following them.

either way, it comes down to a dominant culture

highly parallel, widely distributed, hugely redundant it may favorite thing.
it's also evolution in action.
centralization tends to die off under adverse conditions.

perhaps the psycho's you speak of are those conditions.
how many psychos in positions of centralized power?

highly parallel, widely distributed, hugely redundant

excellent point

how many psychos in positions of centralized power?

probably most of the very least narcissists...who for strange reason seems to be effective in leadership, if not necessarily doing anything USEFUL with that leadership
see, Obama

what are they teaching in schools?
Common core

has it gone that far downhill?
yes, intentionally.

See the dumbing down of America

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