Strike on Syrian Airbase Completes Deja Vous-Effect of Last Year's Chemical Weapons False Flag

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

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Those of us in independent and alternative media, as well as many awake patriots, have been expecting this attack to come. With a war all but wrapped up and ISIS trapped on all sides by Russian, Syrian and Turkish forces, the next logically brilliant move would be to gas your own people - again! Of course, it hasn't been proven that Assad ever did this at all, but is has been proven that US-backed terrorists have done this. Captured weapons caches from anti-Assad forces have also been found to contain chemical weapons. Demonstrating that the Deep State is completely lacking in creativity - but totally capable of the repeated psychopathic murdering of innocent civilians to advance their cause - we have received news of a major gas attack almost to the day of the anniversary of the sarin gas attack which resulted in President Trump's cruise missile suprise, only 2 days later. Although we know Trump was given a list of "military solutions" to deal with the situation - and he chose the mildest form of retaliation - this was done without even the pretense of a proper investigation. The following is the first paragraph of an @canusapatriots article published in April of last year, based on the proven False Flag chemical attack. Click the link just below to view the full article.

After President Trump Tomahawked the Syrian Military's empty airbase, patriots led the fight to ask the important questions that the legacy media wasn't asking. Who gave the president such shoddy or dishonest intel, and why did he act on it without a simple public UN investigation? Stop a second and ask yourself, "What would've happened if the roles had been reversed and Russia had denied the USA the right to an investigation? What if the USA had requested that Russia hold off a few more days - while they grabbed a bag of Sarin-tainted sand and ran a lab test - and Russia had refused? What would have happened if Russia had just went in and bombed, if the USA had 10 satelites over the area (Russia does have 10, the USA likely more) and had their own proof that the Sarin attack was done by ISIS, not by Assad, and was likely pre-staged with the foreknowledge it would be propagandized by the complicit MSM, worldwide?";postID=887410089614588600;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=49;src=postname

Just days after the intial very real - but deceptive - chemical weapons attack on the Syrian town of Douma, there was a missile strike on a Syrian Airbase. This time, however, the attack was carried out by proxy - through the use of a few of Israel's F-15s - and there were many more deaths than when Trump used US Tomahawk missiles to strike last year. Many wait in anxious anticipation, as Trump has threatened more action may be taken - potentially by day's end. According to his Tweets, "everyone is going to pay a price." planeimg.jpg

Independent journalist Vanessa Beeley, who visited the Syrian frontline on numerous occasions, said the chemical attack report, quickly picked up by mainstream media, was “also 100 percent lie,” pointing out that the White Helmets group had been caught producing fakes before.

Since 2012, Israel has struck inside Syria more than 100 times, mostly targeting suspected weapons' convoys destined for the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, which has been fighting alongside Syrian government forces.

Most recently, Israel hit the same T4 base in February, after it said an Iranian drone that had violated Israeli airspace took off from the base. The base, which was used as a launching pad for counter offensive attacks against Islamic State militants who were at one point stationed close by, is near the Shayrat air base, which was targeted by U.S. missiles last year in response to a chemical weapons attack.

So, what are those US foreign interests the bureaucrats keep talking about as a pretense for staying in Syria? Why don't they want Assad to control his own country?.


GENIE ENERGY is a convoluted mix of US subsidaries contained within a holding company.

Although headquarted in New Jersey, the company is now widely notorious for its huge energy find on territory that it doesn't even own, or technically have the rights to drill on - according to international law. Its Strategic Advisory Board is represented by an all-star cast - most of whom are American - including: Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, Jacob Rothschild, James Woolsey (former CIA director), Larry Summers (former head of the US Treasury) and a few more. A quick few clicks of the mouse will confirm that most of these powerful globalists had very approximate relations to either the Clinton's of the Bush's

“Israel will never withdraw from the Golan Heights.”
––Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu

The Golan Heights is claimed to act as a security buffer zone for Israel. It contains valuable resources for Israel, such as a third of its water, a quarter of its wine production and up to 50% of various produce. But the real reason for the refusal to cede back the Golan Heights to Syria – the rightful owner – is OIL. The reported data indicates that the strata containing the deposits is over 10 times as large as average deposits found throughout the world.

From Wikipedia:

In February 2013, Israeli authorities awarded Afek Oil and Gas an exclusive 36-month petroleum exploration license to a 153-square-mile (400 km2) plot in the Golan Heights, which the UN recognizes to be SYRIAN territory.

Trump announced intentions to pull-out of Syria just within the last week. Was that statement part of his strategy of not telegraphing our military's moves to the enemy, or was he sending a signal to the patriots and weighing pubilc reaction? Is he seriously going to take the counsel of known Neo-Con warmonger, John Bolton - his new National Security Advisor? Trump's rhetoric is already overblown. This is how he lost a great deal of support from his Trump Train last year - by making out of character, overly-emotional statements on Twitter that could very well get many more people killed. If Trump takes military action to overthrow Assad, instead of tracking down the Deep State provocateurs who orchestrated another phony attack, the president is going to find himself on the wrong side of patriotic Americans, Independent and Alternative Media and hopeful patriots the world over in the mistaken belief they'd been steadfastly supporting an honourable man. Let's hope his Twitter tirade was just a ploy to feed "The Establishment," and not part of the Greater Israel Plan that so many warmongers and multi-factional religious zealots have advanced to the final stages of its apocalyptic outcome. Let's hope Trump knows all about the Genie Oil deal in the illegally occupied Golan Heights. Trump needs to know, more than ever, that True Patriots are willing to step up to his side and defend the great United States of America from all enemies - foreign AND domestic.

Patriot Disclaimer: when referring to any country by name, it is not the people, its military - or even the whole government - of that country being referenced, but corrupt individuals, factions and cabals that exist in each nation's society who use their considerable influence to consolidate power and money into the greedy hands of their select elite networks.


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This is a set up.

It's funny you should say that, @across-the-moon. I had used those words during some recent edits. I agree 100%. New information continues to stream in. One interesting tidbit comes from Syrian Girl. Can't remember if she's using a new name now. She's from there, though. Just saw footage of locals being used by anti-Assad "rebels." as human shields, along with reports that the hostages were the ones killed in the "gas attack." - by the rebels. Still uncertain who was backing these rebels, exactly - but you can probably figure that out.

Talking about the Middle East is always a delicate issue, on the one hand we have the Jews, who because of their history tend to take everything to heart, and on the other hand we have the Muslims, who may not like many, but they are in their territory, that is, we can not complain about the migratory crisis as a Muslim problem, if it is only due to the interventionism of the western governments that this situation is caused.

My position for the Middle East, as for any other world region is always the same, non-interventionism and isolationism, respecting the sovereignty that countries are supposed to have.

What you say about the Golan Heights helps me to understand enough the interest behind the intervention in Syria, because really, Syria is not an oil country par excellence, however, if what you say about Genie Energy is true, then we could be talking about the goose that laid the golden eggs.

Resteem & excellent post.

It is indeed a delicate issue. Although there have been obvious edits, much of the info on Genie Energy has been public for years now. I had wanted to speak about the interventionalism more in the article, but it is so complex, it requires its own dedicated piece. I often add in a disclaimer because the people of the world's nations - even in the most 'civilized' of countries - do not truly possess the power to inhibit the actions of corrupt governments. Electing another party is often only a superficial face-lift.

If Trump was to end the war there, that would dramatically wind down the fabricated "migrant crisis," which has become a secret economy unto itself - driven by the lowest parasitic life-form: a group of greedy self-absorbed individuals who feed on and compound the misery and misfortune of broken societies.

Thanks for the kind words, @vieira.

Maybe this is how Trump will pull our troops out of Syria: Let Israel fight its own battles?

Good idea. Israel seems to be doing ok atm. Although cutting some of that massive foreign aid may result in a much-needed decrease in their overt agression. Peace through bombing the shit out of neighbouring countries hasn't worked tremendously well, so far. It would be nice if they laid off of hitting Syrian targets until the war is over. I'm not at all against them bombing legit extremists back to the Stone Age, but there is way too much collateral damage, as of late.

Got to put all that defense money recently allocated to use now. Plus, it will create jobs as once this thing escalates into a more direct confrontation with Russia we will need feet on the ground to go die for the elite. Perpetual warfare has been one of the main ways the U.S. has managed to kill off the strongest blood of the people, don't fix it if it isn't broke.

How's this for a solution, @practicalthought? For every soldier they send into combat we insist that they - or their sons, daughters, husbands or wives - accompany our brave military personnel. No combat skills required. They can carry equipment, field test cutting edge battle gear - such as bullet-proof vests - and set up the Hesco barriers and fill sandbags for FOB's. How about some front-line chefs? That's now a respectable executive-level job, correct? There are so many ways they can help, I think I may do a short article on it, tmrw:)

It is not like they are threatening Trump with blowing up his helicopter, his plane, the Trump Tower with fire, something in the mail, some powder, to his family, engine problems, secret videos of the JFK assassination from a new angle, and biological warfare, and technological warfare, and threats to the boy, and more, because that would be totally crazy, and it is not like deep state can threaten people, and it is not like Clinton Investigators disappear and it is not like Facebook Mark Zuckerberg is also running around with a bunch of security as well, right? Real men and real women prefer to be independent and they do not like to boss other people around and they generally avoid politics and that is why bad people get into governments in many countries for centuries now or longer and we live in a transitional time in this world where we are getting involved in global revolutions but we must continue in draining swamps if we want to stop globalists from starting the third and last world war for all of mankind and it is tough but we can continue to tell Trump what we want and what we do not want including less government and less tax and less war and less suppression and so on and so forth and we got to do more than just cry and we got to make more videos and memes and photos and websites and stuff offline too and we got to cherish each moment we have in this, in all of this, as it is scary and beautiful all at the same time. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

Mark Dr Evil.png

Well thanks for that breakdown, Joey. It was well-delivered and very informative. You make some very good points.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Middle East Politics
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I have had enough of bombing people endlessly. It is such a waste of time and effort on our part, especially because it kills civilians.

Syria is not a problem, Iran is. Syria is like some piss poor piece of shit nation where they constantly kill eachother and no side is right. All sides there are killing innocents. For us to take anyones side makes no sense to me.

Yep @truthforce, I just wrote a long reply, to that effect. I agree.

Lets end these wars!!!:)

Don't forget the biggest lie of it all, Weapons of Mass Destruction. Green Zone was a box office flop that was released during the height of war that dared to speak the truth.

100% upvoted and resteemed!

Good point, @vimukthi. WMD's were a false pretense for invasion. Although they found traces of chemicals there was no legitimate threat from any of the countries that they continue to flatten and destroy. Was hoping Trump would end that. There is still time...but it's running out.

Also, that movie was a big let-down, as much as I love war movies:(
Thanks very much!

Trump was just a pragmatic reactionary; not a person based on solid principles. I didn't expect much and wasn't disappointed. The only way things are going to get fixed is after a total collapse of the elite power (sort of an Atlas Shrugged).

Unfortunately, you are correct about the way things may end up. I think Trump is being manipulated, possibly in a variety of ways. One seems certain: when he acquires support from power players on key policies that he implements, he owes those individuals, or groups. That's just the way politics works - but in this case, we're not dealing with simple politics. We're dealing with corrupt puppet masters who want a return on investment. If he was truly in power, he'd have already rounded up Hillary, Podesta, Lynch, Comey, and most of Obama's hyper-corrupt government. He'd have "re-structured" the FBI. I still think Trump is also manipulating them, as well. To what degree, we're about to find out.

The traitors need to swing.

Real draining of the swamp would result in a civil war and an assassination of the Trump family. Trump would only slow things down. A president doesn't have power like a king or a dictator. Even the biggest whale of steemit will only have a fraction of the total SP. The president is like that.

That sounds a bit harsh for rounding up actual criminals and traitors - and fixing the out of control FIBs. Also, the ones who want war are the ones least capable of winning it - the MSM, progressives, bankers, etc. They just want to profit off the backs of the actual warriors, lots of whom will die in the process. What a mess. It would be nice to know at least a few people Trump could actually trust. It may be true that during the days of Kennedy, he trusted the leaders of a few foreign nations more than his own leadership. Completely understand that now.

It may be true that during the days of Kennedy, he trusted the leaders of a few foreign nations more than his own leadership.

Deep state was already deeply rooted by the time if Eisenhower. It was mostly rooted during the early 20th century near the creation of FED and WWI.

That sounds a bit harsh for rounding up actual criminals and traitors - and fixing the out of control FIBs.

I'd say that's just textbook for these deep state scum. I'm glad that at least Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are alive.

Good points, all. You're very educated on this subject matter - a genuined "thanks" for your input.

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