Breaking Migrant Stand-Off Update: Prosecutors Threaten Salvini as Libya Refuses to Take Back Migrants
Things are heating up in Italy’s already steamy climate. The NGO’s who encourage mass illegal immigration to Europe are lobbying – with the expected help of the dishonest MSM, and now progressive Prosecutors – for the release of the remaining 177 illegal immigrants still aboard the Diciotti CG ship. Even one of the ruling factions in Libya – who are usually a dependable ally of Italy – came out against Interior Minister Salvini, today.
From Ansa News:
Foreign Minister Muhammad Sayala, a member of the national unity government, told the LANA news agency that "Libya will in no way accept what is being reported by some news outlets regarding the repatriation of illegal migrants towards the North African countries they have come from".
Note: Libya is currently in a shaky power-sharing arrangement under the control of two major opposing factions. There is no central government in the country. Foreign Minister Sayala has no authority to speak as a legitimate representative on behalf of the whole country. Upcoming elections are being spearheaded by Italy. It is yet another example of deception by the MSM.
Seven years since dictator Kadhafi was toppled and killed in a NATO-backed uprising, Libya remains divided, with rival administrations in Tripoli and the east of the country.
Italy’s Coast Guard had “rescued” the Eritreans and Somali passengers in Maltese waters on August 16th, as the still un-named boat was approaching Italian waters. There remains a dispute over whether the intervention of the Diciotti Italian CG vessel was even necessary and whether it was conducted against the orders of Interior Minister Salvini and the Italian leadership. The Maltese authorities claim the passengers refused assistance and insisted they be left to continue on their way to Italy. Thirteen of the 190 original passengers were immediately taken into medical care by Italy.
After @canusapatriots spent hours of combing the internet for videos and articles seeking details about the so-called “rescue” operation conducted by Italy’s Coast Guard vessel, Diciotti, only meager particulars have been provided by the AP and other media about the origin of the 190 “rescued” passengers. This media-wide blackout appears to be a united effort to suppress key information. What we need:
- Name of boats or ship the “rescued” were transferred from
- Who was piloting the boats or ship
- Organization(s) (NGOs or others) who aided them in their voyage
- Location of the shoreline and name of country which they launched from
- Reason for their migration
Italy’s Interior Minister took to Twitter and Facebook Live to discuss the situation. He had this to say at about 2 pm EST (1700 in Italy).
From Facebook Live:
I promised to defend the borders and safety of the Italians, this I do for two months from when the minister, this I will continue to do.
Over 700,000 immigrants landed with the governments of the left seem to me to be quite!
Want to processarmi or arrest me?
They do, I am not alone.
P. s. [Do]Gooders of the left that wants the “open ports” to you all, I know that five million Italians living in poverty???
Before the Italians [Italy First]. The rest [of] you will see.
---Matteo Salvini
From ANSA NEWS, Wed 22Aug 1240EST:
Agrigento prosecutor Luigi Patronaggio on Wednesday boarded the Dicotti coast guard ship in a probe into the allegedly unlawful detention of the 177 migrants who have been aboard the ship for five days and prevented from landing for two days.
The probe may lead to charges of abduction, legal sources said. The probe is as yet against person or persons unknown.
If it were to target Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, who has ordered the migrants kept on board until the EU agrees to redistribute them, the case will be put to a special ministers' tribunal, the sources said.
The problem with this dog and pony show is this from
Who is legally responsible for refugees?
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) stipulates that captains are obliged to rescue anyone in distress at sea. But the law is not clear on what happens after the shipwrecked are in safety, said Stefan Talmon, a law professor at the University of Bonn. The UNCLOS says little about shipwrecked migrants in particular.
The Mediterranean, just like any other sea, is divided into various search and rescue zones, for which individual states carry responsibility. Depending on the zone from where a distress signal is sent, the respective state is required to coordinate a rescue operation. But, as Talmon says, that's where the legal obligations end. "This is a legal lacuna that has been known for years. Rescuing those in distress is obligatory. Taking them in is not."
This situation puts ship captains in an awkward situation. In the worst case, rescued migrants could be forced to stay aboard ships for days or weeks in international waters. Talmon recalls a situation in 2001 when a freighter saved over 400 Afghan migrants in the Indian Ocean. But when the ship reached Australian waters, Australia refused to let the refugees into the country. Other nations similarly refused to let the ship disembark.
The EU and states like France, England, Spain, and other pro-illegal immigration, “open border” nations are showing their extraordinary hypocrisy with what appears to be purposeful stonewalling to apply pressure to the one nation that has accepted more than any of them combined. Yes, Italy has already accepted over 700 000 illegal immigrants from this very process that we are witnessing. It is not Italy who is using the illegals as some form of strategic blackmail, it is the EU and Co that is using them as blackmail over Italy. The conspiracy to hide all the details about the illegals’ – deceptively calling them migrants – then pretending nothing happened when these “migrants” suddenly morph into asylum seekers reveals how dishonest and purely agenda driven the MSM and Marxist bureaucrats are.
Italy has benefitted in at least one way from the battalions of invaders their predecessors in government allowed the EU to impose on their people – studies have proven that a staggering 90% don’t qualify for asylum – they should have never come. This story has far-reaching implications. international laws will be challenged, twisted and altered, reinforcing the shackles on a populace lulled into complacency through social programming.

Other Sources: (main image) & WSJ (image 2) (image 3)
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