5 Reasons Why the Social Media Psy-Ops Banning of Alex Jones Will Backfire


"All I have to do is go to infowars.com or use RSS Feed – you mean I don't need Facebook OR Youtube for that?"

2018 will likely be looked back upon as the summer of the Social Media psy-ops, not the period in which boisterous media personalities were cast off the MSM cliff into the deep chasm of soundless echoes. Yes, Alex Jones and his Empire were banned from participating on platforms controlled by major players that currently dominate the Social Media environment. And, yes, at around the same time, the NY Times did hire an raving, anti-white racist. That is blatant hypocrisy, but it is much more than that. The Central Planners in the Deep State cabal may be without a shred of moral fiber, but they certainly know how to plan an event which generates a series of beneficial outcomes. These range from tightening the already vice-like grip on the narrative (control) to setting “the big fish” precedent. If they can de-platform the largest big-budget competitor, small channels stand no chance at fighting back on these platforms. One thing is for certain – the MSM will attempt to use the opportunity to fill the huge void with their content. One may recall the old “lipstick on a pig” expression.

While patriots to populists object to the treatment of AJ on principle, many had already refined their tastes and moved on to other channels. So, while we support the funding/construction of a superior replacement platform to Youtube – operational on all Smart TV’s and devices – there are numerous informative and entertaining channels we can continue to enjoy in the absence of AJ – without having to resort to BuzzFeed and Vice News. Here are just 5 examples of growing channels which compete with MSM despite dramatically smaller budgets:

1. Red Ice Radio

Published on Aug 7, 2018

221,766 subscribers • 36,584,900 views
Joined May 14, 2009

Formed in 2003, Red Ice has grown to include the Red Ice Radio Podcast, Daily Red-Ice Youtube Vids, as well as Red Ice TV, which is a beautifully designed website with the latest stories and news. A member’s area features various guest-hosts and special programming for monthly subscribers who financially support the high-quality programming of this channel.
Focus: Red Ice produces content with a pro-European perspective. They excel at covering the culture war; current news and issues; entertainment and politics, and countering MSM and typical social media lies.

Video Frequency & Avg. Length:
Daily • 5-10mins
Weekends • 30mins-1.5hrs

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFUC7NaTxZanB_FVOJN92eg
Website: https://redice.tv/

2. Black Pilled

Published on Aug 2, 2018

91,036 subscribers • 5,127,114 views
Joined Sep 13, 2016

Black Pilled may, or may not be, a reincarnation of a past channel – if you know of this hypothetical channel, type his initials in comments below. Regardless, viewers will be pleasantly surprised at the expertly produced content, and the professional methods through which it is delivered. As the title reveals, you’ll be subjected to incremental doses of the reality on the latest news and current affairs – but in an entertaining, classy and often humorous style.

Focus: Politics, Pop Culture & Poking Massive Holes in the Persistent Propaganda of the MSM

Video Frequency & Avg. Length: Daily • 5-10mins

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvaHgYcWAAcn5D54w4Dqezg

3. The Red Elephants

Published on Aug 8, 2018

111,727 subscribers • 6,382,840 views
Joined Apr 10, 2016

Following the realization that much of what we’ve been taught is based on lies, Vincent used his incessant thirst for the truth like a sword to cut through the weaponized deception being inflicted upon our society. Like many truly woken patriots, James fights for freedom, constitutional rights, our culture, and those who wish to save it.

Focus: Vincent James tackles the important topics – including those which others willfully avoid – in a raw and honest style that resonates with the working class of America and Western society.

Video Frequency & Avg. Length: Daily • 10-15mins

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNiNWbmPWehjpQohglWsKxw

4. Poseidon

Published on Aug 8, 2018

12.000+ subscribers • 680,800 views
Joined Oct 9, 2017

Poseidon doesn’t deliver the news – you experience it during high-velocity, German engineered thrill-rides. Venture forth on cinematic live-stream journeys, and engage in interactive chat as Poseidon shares success stories of Europe’s cultural enrichment and example after example of the profound gratitude of member states for the EU’s achievements in population replacement.

Focus: Poseidon aims to raise awareness of the selflessness and generosity of the many individuals and Aid-Organizations from other parts of the world – who’ve so bravely volunteered to help others to not only reach Greek shores, but to grant them a literal roadmap to success and bounty in their future travels throughout Europe.

Video Frequency & Avg. Length:
Live-streams: Daily • 3-6hrs
Main Channel: Daily •3-5mins

Youtube Channels:

Poseidon (main channel)
Poseidon Live

Bitchute: http://www.bitchute.com/channel/poseidon/

5. One America News Network

Published on Aug 9, 2018

163,782 subscribers • 26,559,795 views
Joined Oct 4, 2013

This US-based News Channel gained international recognition after sending a reporter to Syria in 2018, following the latest of a string of false-flag (staged or prepared in advance with known actors) chemical weapons/gas attacks in that nation. These incidents were part of the relentless campaign by elements of the US & Israel’s government and intelligence apparatus to discredit, vilify and eventually remove Syrian President, Bashar Al Assad.

Although many other reputable independent channels and reporters were able to confirm the obvious lies being perpetuated by virtually all of the mainstream TV, print and social media sources, the live reporting of an established, credentialed Western news agency ultimately convinced much of the public of the dark truth – they had been lied to by those they formerly trusted. The incident is one of the most brazen examples of coordinated mass deception of our time. If the media, government and other organizations could boldly lie on such a mass scale to its own people and suffer no repercussions once exposed, many were finally forced to ask themselves, “What is the extent of other lies we’ve been told?”

Focus: OAN is an independent media outlet delivering news from a patriotic, non-mainstream perspective. As well as coverage of national headlines, OAN continues to break truthful international stories on such important topics as the Migrant Issue and the Trump-Russia election collusion myth.

Video Frequency & Avg. Length: 10 vids/day (avg) • 5-10mins

Youtube Channel:

Website: http://www.oann.com


The mass de-platforming of Alex Jones and the Infowars brand serves as a rather rude reminder to everyone to not rely on one source for news and info. It is time to explore who it is that possesses the level of control necessary for this type of scenario to have occurred. Do these platforms deserve your continued patronage? What are the alternatives and who controls those? One of the inevitable intended responses is going to be self-censorship. For those who fail to be programmed, big brother is coming for you next. If we do not hold people and organizations to account for the decisions they make, they will continue to relieve you of the ability to make them in the future.

Other Sources:

wall.alphacoders.com (main image)
wallconvert.com (image 2)

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Right now www.infowars.com is down except for a banner saying to go to www.newswars.com
I am sure that the censorship is going to spread like a malignant cancer and that soon everybody who posts an infowars video or talks about something they "shouldn't" will be banned.

I saw that, @informative-info. Thanks for the tip. We need to seriously look at why foreign elements are able to regulate American and Western content. The SPLC and ADL and their 10 000 trolls shouldn't be involved in censorship. Imagine having virtually all Chinese, or Russian leaders regulating content in our countries and having them tell us we couldn't talk about certain issues, especially anything to do with their agenda.

  1. Steemit
  2. Steemit
  3. Steemit
  4. Steemit
  5. Steemit

Not sure if you read the whole article, @funbobby51. Of course, Steemit, but we need a replacement video platform for youtube that will function as well or better. Dtube for some very odd reason is not being allowed to be added as an interface on Roku. We have Vimeo and a few others that are fairly awful. No Bitchute, either. So, the best competitors available to Youtube that would allow our people to simply switch over aren't being given the opportunity to exist on Smart TVs, as far as I know.

Smart TVs prebanning potential competitors sounds like something purposeful.

Perhaps we need open source hardware, instead of standard corporate (backdoored) products.

It sure does. It seems rather odd that in the face of all the Youtube bannings, there aren't a ton of willing platforms stepping up to grab some sure dolla-dolla bills.

OS hardware could be handy. Gotta look into Mike's Real Video, or w/e it's called, too. Haven't heard of anything else, as of yet, but will look into it. Meanwhile, if you have any ideas....

yes, dtube sucking is a problem, dlive seems to suck also. you are right, a streaming platform that does not suck is a prerequisite to dethroning youtube.

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