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RE: So you believe in Communism?

I am beginning to hate such conversations...

in that, communism as a form of govern-cement is a thing to destroy people. However, there is this... piece of truth, down at the core of what "communists" adhere to.

Lets say some alien race dropped (Star Trek) replicators (self powered) all over the globe. After that point, doing anything is mostly a matter of what is it that you desire? And that is all well and good... BUT

What happens when you break your leg? How many people are purely motivated by the joys of pulling apart mangled skin, muscle and bone and putting it back together more or less where it was?

Do you have a joy of cutting up dead people so you can practice cutting up live people? I know of very few that enjoy this.

So, i went off track...

There is this core of getting everyone what they need to survive. That is compassion. We, as a human race, should leave no person to starve or be out in the cold.

BUT! the only way to achieve that is to grow enough food and build enough houses. Taxes and welfare do not provide this.

So, the govern-cement form called communism is the worst form of govern-cement where you de-incentivize anyone to do the hard/tough jobs that are the basis of society, and you encourage everyone to rape the system.

Of course, everyone gets to have equally shitty free houses, and equally shitty food.


Of course, everyone gets to have equally shitty free houses, and equally shitty food.

Except of those labeled "collateral damage" or "the price of doing business" or "gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet" type of saying.

Those that die to achieve that.

We have enough shitty houses and shitty food because enough people died so now we have enough.

Funny that you mention Star Trek because it looks like you are not aware that Star Treg. TNG is communism. And yes, it was intended as that by the creators.

Yep, communism via advanced technology.

However, i was pointing out its flaws.
Such as, there is a famous artist... who gets that person's art?
Or, there is 9 units of health care for 10 units of health care needed, who gets that health care?

i know there is kinda a technological solution for these, but not really.
The general class of problem still persists.

Further, you see communism break down in TNG... badly.

Further, you see communism break down in TNG... badly.

Um... no. Or I have missed a whole story arc??

For me it was just everywhere.

Like the time ... #2 needed some info, from the "underground", so he called up Quark... but needed something to pay him, so the writers came up with the story that Riker won a huge jackpot that couldn't be paid out

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