Why the UK will have a clean WTO Brexit on the 29/03/2019 and the EU will not be getting a penny –

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Why the UK will have a clean WTO Brexit on the 29/03/2019 and the EU will not be getting a penny –

First I must inform you that the European Union is getting taken down this year and will more than likely not exist beyond 2020 –

You might be thinking how can I say this, and why do I think this?

Well please let me try and explain - if you have been watching/following the events since the 2016 referendum where the British people voted to leave the European Union, you would have witnessed the most extraordinary debacle in British political history which by the way is no accident –

Theresa May and much of the political elite have been compromised by elements within the EU, this infiltration of the UK establishment took a hold from the late 1960s and early 1970s under Edward (Ted) Heath, the back story of this man, was that due to his perverted paedophilic disposition - he was selected and handled by German secret intelligence, if you don’t believe me, please do the research.

As Prime Minister Ted Heath with other compromised assets within the British government, and establishment, subversively forced the UK into joining the EEC, again feel free do the research, there is ample evidence to support this claim that I’m making, you see not only did the British population not want to remain in the EEC but the vote in 1975 was rigged, to ensure that a key piece within the new world order puzzle was put into place namely the UK, the reason I mention all this is because part of this agenda and long term planning was to make sure that the UK in the future would become a federalist state within the EU superstate.

In a previous post –


I wrote how Theresa may and much of her cabinet are compromised by globalist elements within the EU, now the million dollar question I have is, who exactly does she really work for? one thing for certain is she sure doesn’t work for the British people, however we must take into account that since she is most certainly compromised, and nothing more than a globalist puppet there was absolutely no way she could have stood up to the EU in the Brexit negotiations, you see due to the level of penetration and infiltration of Britain by the EU, had she not played this game of trying to frustrate Brexit with her stupid chequers deal which was handed to her by Angela Merkel and surrounding herself with other compromised traitorous remainers, the EU would have got extremely nasty.

You see the EU alongside the globalist cabal, have a lot of power in terms of terrorist sleeper cells in the UK, people/assets placed in strategic positions and places added with ways and means to execute misery not only on the political elite but on British people as a whole.

We have a swamp in the UK just like in the US, so you can imagine the type of false flags that could have been executed, I have heard people say why doesn’t Theresa may and the conservative party just say to the EU, we are leaving and you are not getting any money (£40 Billion) and there have been certain MPs and backbenchers who have said this like Boris Johnson, however Mrs May dare not say or do this outright because the reaction by the EU might be to do something like poisoning our water supplies, spreading a virus or letting off a dirty bomb in a heavily populated area of London and blame it on the Russians, the list of things that these pigs in the EU could do is quite long.

So with less than 5 weeks to go till the 29th of March, what we are seeing is political theatrics a strategic game played to run down the clock, so that Theresa may, does not lose face to her masters in Europe in her attempt to try and thwart the will of the people, you see anyone watching these events cannot deny that she has tried everything in her power to stop Brexit from happening, and why I say Brexit is going to happen is because of what is happening across Europe in terms of the various nationalistic populist movements and the Elite losing control.

In case you were not aware, the elites who run our planet must have “CONTROL” over there given populations, now if we look at what is happening in France with Gilet Jaunes (yellow vests) the French elites for all intents and purposes have lost control, and are in a shit load of trouble, now in the case of the UK, the elites there cannot and will not allow the same thing to happen, because the UK is already a powder keg of deviancy and criminality, so imagine what will happen if the brits are denied Brexit, all hell will break loose, and there are not the means in terms of police, military or security to contain the levels of civil disobedience and unrest that would engulf this country, and not only would the CONTROL be lost, but the populace would go after the Elites and trust me they will get them, with the political ones being the first to be had.

Although we don’t have Q like in the US, dropping info - we do have a collective of hidden white hat establishment elite, and grey suits operating secretly in the background helping the British people attain freedom, because they understand for humanity to survive, we cannot continue down this abhorrent globalist trend, also something I must mention is that all those who have worked for the globalists against the British people and Brexit in the UK have marked their own cards, I’m talking about politicians, those controlling the Mainstream Media(MSM) and other cronies in education, the government etc. there gooses will be cooked, the informed Brits know exactly who they are, you see Brexit is not only good because it gives us in the UK freedom from the EU, but it has exposed all the traitors who are hellbent on chaining us to bondage.

Donald Trump, Q and the Patriots in the US and elsewhere have played a significant part in Brexit developments in the UK, you see populism, nationalism no matter where it is, is interconnected, you could say it is a natural countermeasure against the warped ideology of NWO globalism, and the last bastion of this ideological agenda in practice is the EU –

In short why I say the UK will be leaving the EU on the 29th of March 2019 is because the vast majority of countries and people on this planet are counting on us to do so, you see once we are out, the hammer falls not only on the EU, but the dark forces that have brought so much oppression to mankind over the centuries, the door opens to freedom worldwide.

The EU is truly rotten to its core, in fact, it is so bad that it cannot be allowed to continue, I kid you not, there is nothing good about it, and anyone who thinks otherwise is either seriously misguided, a lost soul or bought and paid for, I will give you a quick example, if I in the UK want to trade with an African country and import raw agricultural produce, the EU slaps a 150% tariff on the producer, if that producer wants to process this product and then export it to me in the UK that tariff goes over 300%, this then keeps African agricultural markets in a perpetual cycle of suppression and consumers in the UK paying higher prices whilst the EU makes a tidy sum for doing nothing, so by the UK leaving the EU it will allow us to make our own trade deals and becomes a win for the UK and a win for African countries.

The EU makes money by keeping people in developing countries in abject poverty.

As for the £40 Billion so-called divorce bill, the UK doesn’t actually owe the EU any money whatsoever, in fact the EU owes the UK a lot more than £40 billion, and by paying the EU money all we will be doing is lining the pockets of the unelected bureaucrats and helping this sinking ship to financially float for a little while longer, trust me if they haven’t received this money they so desperately need by the 29/03/2019, then they will not be getting it.
And Good Luck trying to get it.

Why I say the EU will more than likely not exist beyond 2020, and it might even fall apart this year is because after Germany, the UK is the second biggest financial contributor, and without our money coming in, and the dire state of the European central banking system, it will not survive, and with a number of countries within the EU already turning populist/nationalist wanting to get back there sovereignty, the EU project is doomed to fail, and I predict when it does finally fall apart, it will happen at lightning speed.

Could I be wrong, absolutely, and if I am, I won’t be far off, because any clear-eyed observer can see the writing is on the Wall for the EU.

We Hope you Enjoyed – Live Long and Prosper




Well written, spot on, and I can't wait to see the back of the EU. Given you a resteem because I hope a few more people read this.

Much appreciated my friend @welshstacker - I'm with you ;-)

I hope you are correct mate, if the British people don't defeat these stinking trolls England will be finished my friend. I have a bit of a link to Britain, my grandfather was English, so I wish you all the best in this struggle. Cheers mate.

I hope so too, my friend @silverbug, the next 4 weeks are going to be crazy, whilst these treasonous traitoring trolls in government try everything to stop Brexit, at the moment they are trying to delay it by 2 months, I doubt it will work because it has been written into Law, that we Leave on the 29/03/2019 at 11 am - and there are no provisions in the legal text to allow for any sort of extension on this date, also there are forces on the ground here at work to make sure this date and day (Friday) is kept, so the curtain comes down on these freaks and their freak show - Thanks and Cheers mate ;-)

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