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RE: In Venezuela: Maduro removes 5 zeros from the National currency. Disadvantages (confused citizens).

Your article lead me to write this:
probably a bit controversial, but according to some journalists controversial is good as it makes people think. I'm curious how people will react to this.

Bolivar seems a good choice to me, Petro, not so much. People should make their own choices anyway.


I read your article, different points of view, possibly it is true in what you say, maybe foreign countries play to jake the government of mature. Everything is possible .. Thank you for being aware of my articles. Greetings.

hello .. with respect to the video the comments coming from Rafael Correa egarded harvard being someone so prepared in my opinion someone very credulous and his politics seems very good. Let's not forget that he was one of the Latin American leaders that best benefited Hugo Chavez Ecuador is so nice and strong economically thanks to his policy that is a mixture between socialism-capitalism intertwined for me the best formula if you want a productive country . Socialism alone has no progress

Chavez was less political correct, right? I mean he was very upfront. He just called G.W. Bush a donkey.
In case of Ecuador we can see how they played the chess pieces a bit different. They played Lenin Moreno as a soft Coup pawn. Always on the side of Rafael Correa, and when Moreno came to power he turned 180 degrees at the whim of his masters.

Unfortunately socialism-capitalism works just like democratic-capitalism and communism-capitalism. Capitalism works. But we are now dealing with corrupt-capitalism, an inevitable end result of the unfair balance of the game

the distrubution of wealth is just extreme out of balance

These players are not actual countries, these billionaires have more power then a country. And even more if they join forces with other billionaires, these people have so much money that they are practically above the law. They 'corrupt' a few people in key positions in the industry, they play safe and use legal ways to persway. (is that the correct word? Persway, my spellchecker is messing up..)
As they play with big money they have many options to channel money to the people who open doors for them. This is how politicians take position in big companies after their political career. Open a door for a rich man, and get a nice CEO chair in return.
And as CEO they rake in the big money. Completely legal. Yet completely unfair, as the man on the street is the one who has to pay all these dancing chairs.

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