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RE: The Child Sex Doll Market Is Here!

in #informationwar5 years ago

You have nothing to say, at least I should say, you have nothing that might redeem you as not a complete toolbag, non-thought idiot, and don't mistake admission of being a complete moron as the same as a moron's redemption.


Nah. I'm just not going to get into a pointless conversation with you. You can assume I'm a moron, idiot and toolbag. I'm fine with that.
I have my opinion and you have yours, and you're also clearly very intolerant, so I'm not getting into it with you.

Perhaps one day, we could have a drink and talk like adults and find common ground by exchanging information but until then, I wish you well.

You can think whatever you want of me, that's your problem not mine, I'll continue to assume as your idiotic nonthought opinion indicated, that you are truly an idiot.

Alright dear. I can live with that. Cheers

You can live with me considering you a bumbling buffoon? As if you had a choice..

Aren't you tired? 😐

PS: you forgot to downvote my last comment 🌈

Tired of what? Calling you a moron? So, tell me again how accepting two adults loving each other gives way to accepting bestiality, pedophilia and incest..

It's got nothing to do with the love you know. I'm not angry at gay people or anything.
Culturally, I can't wrap my head around the concept and while two guys living each other is fine, the idea of you know, saying they should get married and that it's not weird to see them kissing and stuff smacks of abnormality TO ME.

Gay right activist and all that paved the way for the whole "liberal" movement in the west(probably your culture). Now there are like 9 different sexual preferences(LGBTQ blah blah blah) and all of them want to be identified as a movement. It all stems from the whole forcing gay rights down out throats.

Take you for example, look at how aggressive and the kind of foul language you used simply because a stranger in the internet isn't inclined to accepting your opinion. That's pretty much the same energy the LGBTQ.etc community use to force shit down our throats.

Final words: IF it were so natural, you won't have to particularly force me to accept nor will you get so incensed at me for not accepting something I find weird and abnormal. I've encountered gay people online that said I'm wrong for being straight, I didn't curse them out or get mad.

Gay right activist and all that paved the way for the whole "liberal" movement in the west(probably your culture). Now there are like 9 different sexual preferences(LGBTQ blah blah blah) and all of them want to be identified as a movement. It all stems from the whole forcing gay rights down out throats.

It's nice how you adhere to the same fallacious thinking as if it has any merit. Tell me again how the Gay rights movement is paving the way for bestiality and pedophilia..

Take you for example, look at how aggressive and the kind of foul language you used simply because a stranger in the internet isn't inclined to accepting your opinion. That's pretty much the same energy the LGBTQ.etc community use to force shit down our throats.

What opinion you idiot, you think I shared my opinion at all? I simply exposed the idiotic nonsense you adhere to: that tolerance of two consenting adults will lead to tolerance of child and animal abuse. Language isn't foul, ever, the only foul thing as far as I'm concerned is your idiotic thoughts which try to blame homosexuality for normalizing bestiality and pedophilia.

Final words: IF it were so natural, you won't have to particularly force me to accept nor will you get so incensed at me for not accepting something I find weird and abnormal. I've encountered gay people online that said I'm wrong for being straight, I didn't curse them out or get mad.

I wish I could explain to you more clearly why I can call you an idiot and still be correct, and it's not because of what you think is normal but because of how you reason, like here for example you try to reason that it couldn't be 'so' natural because of the way I, not anyone else, but me personally, and my approach, my approach, which clearly only exposes that you think that me pointing out that it's idiotic to think exactly in slippery slope mode regarding this, is actually not me pointing out said idiocy, but it's my attempt at convincing you that homosexuality is normal, yet clearly I don't care if you find the thought of two men who love each other revolting and even if I was trying to convince you it's normal, my approach doesn't have anything to do with homosexuality being normal or not because homosexuality being normal or not is indifferent to my approach, clearly, and that goes the same for what some gay people told you. So much for sound logic but what to expect from an idiot but more nonsense, exemplified nonthought. Final word? This is after you, just like a perfect performative idiocy, good byed me not once, not twice, but three or four different times. #thisconversationthatsnotworthhaving

Here's something novel: consider carefully HOW and WHY homosexuality is paving the way for bestiality pedophilia and whatever else you want to tie directly to homosexuality. Or you can keep asserting, nil thought, the same "opinion", because well, why not,

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