Who Controls the Information? Seriously WHO? Are you aware of all the entities, corporations and intel agencies designed to do Just That? Remember what one of their Fave's said, "It's Our Job to Control What You Think!" Are you letting them Mask you?

in #informationwar4 years ago (edited)

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Facebook Frames Who controls the information? Seriously WHO!

Remember the two doctors from California, who spoke out on what is Really happening?

This is what they have done to their video
See how all they can do is Claim it's false, even though Numerous doctors out there Go Against their narrative.

Who has the Power in the Illusion?

What are the owners of these platforms connected to and Who do they support? Are they fair? Are they balanced? Has their integrity been questioned while they claim to have a Vice President of Integrity😆😅😂🤣I KNOW right?

They have decided to be the Ultimate Authority on WHO is right in this mayhem. Does that give you a warm and fuzzy or do you think you should Not be treated as a boiling frog. . .and are Smart enough to determine What info you look at and disCern for Yourself, vet it yourself? Who made FB the Gatekeepers of Integrity? WHO indeed! So many tells all over this!

I will put a link in where you can hear one of MSM's fave's Saying with her Own mouth controlling the messaging/what people think is Their job! You can hear it for yourself in the Comments of this Original Post!

BONUS. . .Remember the Corona Reconn Satellites I told you about? Produced and Operated by the C_a? Who else is Produced and Operated by them. . .hmmm. #AndersonCooper did a stint as an intern. Were you aware Cooper went to Dalton? Dalton where Epstein worked at one time and Barr's father was headmaster. Will put in the link to a Literal Epstein Barr Virus (seriously it's a medical various with an alice and wonderland syndrome component). I can't make this stuff up. . .#TruthIsStrangerThanFiction

Cooper at age 17, after graduating from Dalton a semester early, Cooper traveled around Africa for several months on a "survival trip". He contracted malaria on the trip and was hospitalized in Kenya. And he went to Yale. . .Go Skull and Bones? 322? Death? Ouroboros anyone?

Who else is from their #Farm? Who was Mika's family? Have you looked at her Fam's history? Very Interesting! Happy Tuesday Amazing #Anons, Great #GuardiansOfChildren, keep doing what you do BEST! Carry on!

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3M masks and co's they have assimilated and are Connected to

Facebook Frames Coronavirus traced to the British Crown and many of the ways they have put a Light directly on what they are doing think Intellectual Property and Kobe Bryant's remains buried at Corona del Mar!.

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This covers Dalton where Epstein worked as a teacher and Barr's father was headmaster along with the literal medical virus. Wonder what they keep trying to tell us, yet Some refuse to listen!

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Epstein Arrested and More info

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Oh Whoa or should I say WHO. . .It seems like you've done this Before! https://steemit.com/aidsvirus/@artistiquejewels/the-intentional-development-for-the-aids-virus-at-request-of-world-health-obtained-through-dept-of-defense-for-advanced-research

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Here is More they have been involved in inside this frames it gets into In-Q-Tel. It's Going to be BIBLICAL!
How long before Mathematically Impossible?

Facebook Frames Tunnel just found between Mexico and CA with quite the system and What is the Deal with 3M.
How do they Link into What Bob Dylan Knows? How about his latest release Murder Most Foul 17 min. long. Coincidence? #ThereAreNoCoincidences https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10220452366673725&set=pcb.10220452639120536&type=3&theater

Link here with frame photos and further links


Update: More info on the Brzezinski family and all they have been involved with, their connections and Pull!
From Facebook Post found here and placed in the comment section. . .

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Her father is Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski and Oh the people he knew and the places he went as his daughter grew, then began to grow in Fame on the mainstream corporate owned media circuit.
How sweet! What is the deal with her using the news as a gossip hour? Her father Sure did set the Stage!
member of the Atlantic Council
a member of the Council on Foreign Relations

CFR founded in 1921, is a United States nonprofit think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. It is headquartered in New York City, with an additional office in Washington, D.C. Its membership, which numbers 4,900, has included senior politicians, more than a dozen secretaries of state, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and senior media figures. THINK Elite, Think Globalists, Think those at the Helm, Think Power Unchecked!
served as a counselor to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968
was President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981
. Major foreign policy events during his time in office included the normalization of relations with the People's Republic of China. he signing of the second Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II); the brokering of the Camp David Accords; the overthrow of the US-friendly Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and the start of the Iranian Revolution. the arming of the mujahideen in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; and the signing of the Torrijos–Carter Treaties relinquishing U.S. control of the Panama Canal after 1999. served as the Robert E. Osgood Professor of American Foreign Policy at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies.
The family jewels. . .
his daughter, Mika Brzezinski, television news presenter and co-host of MSNBC's weekday morning program, Morning Joe . She is the one that stated it was “Their job to tell people what to think!”
He was a supporter of the Prague Process. His eldest son, Ian, is a foreign policy expert. is a Senior Fellow in the International Security Program and is on the Atlantic Council's Strategic Advisors Group. Ian also served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe and NATO (2001–2005) and was a principal at Booz Allen Hamilton.
an American management and information technology consulting firm,[5] headquartered in McLean, Virginia, in Greater Washington, D.C., with 80 other offices around the globe. many contracts coming from governmental institutions and different branches of the Armed Forces.
Booz Allen Hamilton developed a strategy for the IRS to reshuffle its 100,000 employees into units focused on particular taxpayer categories.
Bloomberg named it "the world's most profitable spy organization". According to an Information Week piece from 2002, Booz Allen had "more than one thousand former intelligence officers on its staff". According to its own website, the company "employs more than 10,000 TS/SCI cleared personnel.”
They’re pretty aggressive And Profitable. . Just Look at all they’ve been up to!
In 2008, the commercial arm of Booz Allen split off to form Booz & Company. In 2013, Booz & Company was acquired by PwC and renamed Strategy&. Since then, Booz Allen has re-entered commercial markets. In 2010, Booz Allen went public with an initial public offering of 14,000,000 shares at $17 per share. In 2012, Booz Allen purchased the Defense Systems Engineering & Support division of ARINC, adding approximately 1,000 new employees to its roster. In 2014, Booz Allen acquired Epidemico. In 2015, Booz Allen acquired the software development division of the Charleston, S.C. technology firm SPARC. In 2017, Booz Allen acquired eGov Holdings. In 2018, the SEC awarded both Booz Allen and Attain a $2.5 billion contract to modernize how the SEC purchases IT services.
A June 28, 2007 article in The Washington Post related how a United States Department of Homeland Security contract with Booz Allen increased from $2 million to more than $70 million through two no-bid contracts, one occurring after the DHS's legal office had advised DHS not to continue the contract until after a review. A Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on the contract characterized it as not well-planned and lacking any measure for assuring valuable work to be completed.
Just like the song We Built This City states. .
Someone's always playing corporation games
Who cares, they're always changing corporation names
We just want to dance here, someone stole the stage
Who counts the money underneath the bar?
Who rides the wrecking ball into our guitars?
Don't tell us you need us 'cause we're the ship of fools
Looking for America, coming through your schools
Good thing Rockefeller was working with Brzezinski Because his org writes a Lot of the curriculum for the public school system! All One Big Happy Fam! As George Carlin stated, “There’s a Club and you’re Not in It!”
his youngest son, Mark, a lawyer who served on President Clinton's National Security Council as an expert on Russia and Southeastern Europe. He was the United States Ambassador to Sweden from 2011 to 2015.

His father (Mika’s grandfather), Tadeusz Brzeziński,a Polish diplomat who was posted to Germany from 1931 to 1935; Zbigniew Brzezinski thus spent some of his earliest years witnessing the rise of the Nazis.
Brzezinski co-founded the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller, serving as director from 1973 to 1976.
**Rockefeller **

  • briefly worked in the London branch of what was to become the Chase Manhattan Bank.
    From 1941 to 1942, Rockefeller was assistant regional director of the United States Office of Defense, Health and Welfare Services.
    enlisted in the U.S. Army and entered Officer Candidate School in 1943; he was ultimately promoted to Captain in 1945. During World War II he served in North Africa and France (he spoke fluent French) for military intelligence setting up political and economic intelligence units.
    During this period, he called on family contacts and Standard Oil executives for assistance.
    In 1946, Rockefeller joined the staff of the longtime family-associated Chase National Bank. The chairman at that time was Rockefeller's uncle Winthrop W. Aldrich.[10] The Chase Bank was primarily a wholesale bank, dealing with other prominent financial institutions and major corporate clients such as General Electric (which had, through its RCA affiliate, leased prominent space and become a crucial first tenant of Rockefeller Center in 1930).
    The bank also is closely associated with and has financed the oil industry, having longstanding connections with its board of directors to the successor companies of Standard Oil, especially Exxon Mobil.
    Chase National became the Chase Manhattan Bank in 1955[9] and shifted significantly into consumer banking. It is now called JPMorgan Chase.
    **See photo of Jeffrey Epstein and friends like Gates, Den hero Larry Summers and the then JPMorgan Executive, James E. Staley for a reminder. . .
    They’re all part of the Club and You and I are NOT in it! The funds circle back. . they cycle round and round they go to feed. . .The Agenda, The Eye, The controllers, The Elites, The people at the top, The Have’s and NOT the have nots in places like Africa and India! Why is that?
    During his term as CEO, Chase spread internationally and became a central component of the world's financial system due to its global network of correspondent banks, the largest in the world. In 1973, Chase established the first branch of an American bank in Moscow, in the then Soviet Union. That year Rockefeller traveled to China, resulting in his bank becoming the National Bank of China's first correspondent bank in the U.S.
    He was faulted for spending excessive amounts of time abroad, and during his tenure as CEO the bank had more troubled loans than any other major bank. Chase owned more New York City securities in the mid-1970s, when the city was nearing bankruptcy. A scandal erupted in 1974 when an audit found that losses from bond trading had been understated, and in 1975 the bank was branded a "problem bank" by the Federal Reserve. Interesting right?
    Rockefeller remember. . .co-founded Trilateral Commission With Mika’s father, Zbigniew.
    When Zbigniew. Brzezinski wanted his message to get out over his opponent’s he ordered Radio Free Europe transmitters to increase the power and area of their broadcasts, a provocative reversal of Nixon-Kissinger policies.
    The State Department was alarmed by Brzezinski's support for dissidents in East Germany and objected to his suggestion that Carter's first overseas visit be to Poland. He visited Warsaw and met with Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski (against the objection of the U.S. Ambassador to Poland), recognizing the Roman Catholic Church as the legitimate opposition to communist rule in Poland.[
    Brzezinski developed the Carter Doctrine, which committed the U.S. to use military force in defense of the Persian Gulf.[10] In 1981 President Carter presented Brzezinski with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
    Warmongering! Should have left those people alone as many Innocent families were taken!
    In 1988, Brzezinski was co-chairman of the Bush National Security Advisory Task Force, endorsing Bush for president.
    In August 2007, Brzezinski endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.
    Brzezinski supported the NATO intervention against the forces of Muammar Gaddafi in the Libyan Civil War. Once again many innocent people lost their lives just so those seeking an agenda could topple a ruler, then profit by sending in their business allies.investments with people like the Bronfman’s and their connections!



Facebook Frames Where is Your Head? Do you get what happened in Africa, India and to certain soldiers for years? You can't just ignore! It Will affect you #LuciferaseEnzyme, #QuantumDot, #CRISPRGeneEditing doesn't get any Clearer than That!

Facebook FramesPredictive programming?

You decide!

**In April CBS News was caught using footage from an Italian hospital to describe conditions in New York City.

They admitted this. Now why is mainstream media using these tactics and then claiming to bring you news?

Why do they find it necessary to use footage from other countries and claim it to be footage from here in the United States? Where is the integrity of mainstream media? ...**


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Facebook Frames

Do you know Who FB and others are protecting over Your Rights? Who is really behind the WHO?

**Facebook Frames Who controls the information? Seriously WHO!

Remember the two doctors from California, who spoke out on what is Really happening?

Andrew Bolt from Australia is right. ..Bashing women now. Not just with words. . .no, that's not enough, now physically and look at all who endorse it or won't say a word. Their silence while hating on the groups trying to stop it is Sickening and oh so palpable!

Progressive groups claiming they have the Right to Riot are doing what they claim they are against.

What Gives?

So Violence for Violence?

Antifa attacked Andrew Bolt

Why do they resort to violence? How is This going to solve anything or help anyone!

They are tagging the places they've been to Mark their Presence.

They do their evil then try to claim it's the far right.

THIS Is a Key component of Karl Marx. ..Look it up. . .Whatever you are doing, Blame the other side.

Authorities have determined it is the far left and the far right has Not even made an appearance.

They are attempting to sway an election so the shadow government and deep state will not be exposed for who they are and what they have been doing for centuries.

Many Antifa groups in Germany, UK, Australia and other places. They need to be labeled a Terrorist Org.

Many celebrities like Rogan and Chrissy Teigen are actually bailing out people responsible for contributing to the violence of these hateful rioters. They believe they are in the right to violence of others in their rebellion.

This is not seen on the common sense side and the side of those who are not Elitists and Entertainers. Only on the side of those who support them. Why do they support such hate and violence against others? How will this help anyone. They are targeting some of the poorest neighborhoods and perpetrating against those they Claim to be helping.

When will they figure out, they are not helping people, they are helping their controller overlords at the Top!

#Antifa, #GeorgeFloydRiots

The autopsy is released and consequences for looting and burning

Caught Antifa handing out money for young protestors to cause havoc in Columbus Ohio.. spread this!!

America is not ‘falling apart at the seams’ and the race riots are ‘not a revolution’



This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected

LOL. . This anon cracked me up (First Screenshot from 8kun) Never any reason to be cocky right? We have to Wake People up! Generally these anons are fed up and worn down after being mocked and belittled as others are praised yet never have to engage fully in the #FightForGood. All I can do is thank them for their hard work and remind their eyes have to be focused on God, because this world (satan's realm) is fully against us and truth. We were warned, no one said it would


Facebook Frames Who is Obama Really? Do you know his true history? How about all his True family roots and attachments to certain programs?


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Facebook Frames Where's the Birthday Party, Cheesecake and Jelly beans? Malls and functions closing down in many places it seems.

It’s the End of the World as we know it! Or as I like to call. . .the deprogramming as many Don't Know it! Definitely Times are changing, but no worries, the shut downs Won’t last too long! Just the amount of time it takes to keep everyone safe.

Are you hearing of towns and areas closing down except for Essential Workers? Malls Not essential, nail salons, hair salons. I'm sure you can name many more!

Who has walked their town and visited Post offices, Stores and services to see?

More stores and services close every day here and the same on the UK front. Would love to hear from our Canadian Guardians on what is shut down there. I believe a few have said there Are some businesses and services closed.

My go to Coronavirus shut in song right now is. . .It’s the End of the World.

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