Alexander Vindman and his twin brother Eugene escorted from the WH and fired. Born in Ukraine, an extensive reach and brother Leonid is investment firm owner/banker used to Manage UnciCredit

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Thank you for the heads up Robin Peterson Clark on Vindman twins being escorted out of the White House.

When I saw a post on this, went over to look at other source links to see the information on these twins being fired I found they do Indeed have a very interesting history.

Here are my findings and here is the original Facebook Frames post laid out like a thread.
Photos from frames found below along with Souse Links.

Went over and looked up some Family History. . .pretty eye opening and lots of Tells for those who have eyes to see.

Interesting how MSM was So concerned about Pence's older brother, yet not one Peep about the Vindman conglomerate. Nothing to see her folks. .."Trump, Russia. ..Err "Let's say Trump was doing what Biden was doing. ..That'll distract the sheep, after all They Don't read and research!" Too bad for them #AnonsDo, #WeAreTheNewsNow

Alexander Vindman's all over and so has his older brother who is in investment banking for a large firm.

  • Alexander 3 years old when his family left Ukraine for America.

  • Went to Harvard.

  • served as an officer in the United States Army. As an infantry officer.

  • Served multiple overseas tours, including South Korea and Germany, and a deployment to Iraq for combat operations. In Iraq.

  • A photo of the Vindmans, including Alexander, from 1985, was featured in a Ken Burns documentary on the Statue of Liberty.

  • Vindman’s twin brother lists his title as attorney at the White House on his Facebook page. Born Yevgeny Vindman, he goes by Eugene Vindman on social media.

Twin brother goes by Eugene
Former Attorney at Judge Advocate General’s Corps, United States Army
Former Senior Trial Counsel at U.S. Army
Former Major at United States Army
Former Campaign Strategist at Bobby Saxon for Congress (GA District 10 Democrat)

From a 2010 NPR article,

Maj. Eugene Vindman, a JAG officer, or judge advocate general” said that a “network analysis course put him and other military lawyers in a better position to carry out oversight responsibilities in Iraq.

Alexander Vindman is also similarly investigated in American government work. “Since 2008, I have been a Foreign Area Officer specializing in Eurasia,” he wrote. “In this role, I have served in the United States’ embassies in Kiev, Ukraine and Moscow, Russia. In Washington D.C., I was a politico-military affairs officer for Russia for the Chairman of Joint Chiefs where I authored the principle strategy for managing competition with Russia. In July 2018, I was asked to serve at the National Security Council.”

Older brother is Leonid Simon Vindman

  • “Founder and Managing Partner, Tungsten Capital Advisors” and “has approximately thirty years of experience in the financial markets

  • During the past twenty five years, he has been focusing predominantly on Central Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia where he completed some of the biggest investment and advisory transactions in the region.

  • also completed transactions in the Middle East, and traveled extensively in Asia and Africa.”

Prior to founding Tungsten, Leonid

  • was a Managing Director responsible for investment banking origination and client coverage activities for Russia and CIS region at UniCredit Group – the largest international bank in Central and Eastern Europe at that time.

  • Worked as a Vice President Investment Banking at JPMorgan Chase, Principal Banker at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the EBRD), Senior Associate at Bankers Trust and Manager at Central Europe Trust.

  • Maria Starkova-Vindman, Founder and Managing Partner, Art Research Advisors, is an art historian and art advisor, with fifteen years of experience of working across the academic, curatorial and business areas within the arts. Prior to founding the company, she worked at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow as an assistant keeper and curator, and taught on the Courtauld MA course on global contemporary art.

Guess who is in her interests on her linkdn page?
Rothschild & Co. Do you remember all those Rothschild banks? No worries, dropped those in also if you're not aware. Literally All Over the MAP!

Interesting because if you follow the money. . .just where does it all lead. Many should wake up, just one place is to Shadow Inc. . .Soros. Now the DNC having tampering issues among their own. If they'll do it With you, they'll do it To You!

Bernie should have learned his lesson from what Donna Brazile let out of the bag concerning what they did to Bernie before.

And here Buttigieg campaign paid firm that developed voting app blamed for Iowa caucus delays.

Always interesting how there is No Honor among each other in the DNC candidates, yet they accuse the other side of All they are doing and Here is the evidence. Click to end of Frame photos to see and will be putt source links in comments of Original Post.

So interesting because Soros influence through the Atlantic Council has been proven huge through prior research and evidence.

#AlexanderVindman, #EugeneVindman, #LeonidVindman, #VindmanTwins, #VindmanBrothers, #VindmanFromUkraine, #ShadowInc, #GeorgeSoros, #MariaStarkovaVindman, #RothschildSymbolism, #GuardiansOfChildren

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Got This message, even though evidence was given. This is how hard they attempt to hide truth!
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Sources and connecting article for those who have Eyes to See,

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