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RE: "Give me your bigots, racists, homophobic masses yearning to think free" Join the Information War!

Haha I don't call myself right wing (or left wing for that matter) and I have still been accused of being "Alt Right" or various other buzz words on YouTube and elsewhere.

This ultra pc stuff is going to hurt everyone in the end because no matter how sensitive a person tries to be, someone will still be upset by them. Censoring ideas does not make them go away but it does discourage people from speaking their minds and that is always harmful to the advancement of a culture.

If one hopes to win the minds of the people they must address their opponents directly. If their idea is good, it will stand and if it is bad, it will fall, or so I think anyway.

That is why I like this place. Generally people don't seem to get shouted down for disagreeing. Or for not agreeing hard enough lol.

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