The Level of Treason from the Press (MSM)

Steemians, of Asia, Africa, S America, stop thinking you are safe, you are already being exterminated, you just don't recognise what is happening because your own govts and MSM are keeping it a secret from you.

Silence (by the MSM) is NOT golden
It is Treason

"The Level of Treason from the Press in France is Astounding" Yellow Vest Interview | Jack Buckby

How The Globalists Stole Our Home

Everyone, of all nations, are being poisoned by Chemtrails, by chemicals in our food, by plastics that give off chemicals for harming us, by sewerage water being partly untreated and filled with chemicals and fluoride (the 2nd most poisonous poison in the world) and by Vaccinations.

You do not want to believe?

Nobody here will try to force you (those who try to force their arguments on us are those trying to silence us). All we do is tell you the truth as we see it and then, it is your decision. If you have anyone you love, even if you would not just for yourself, do it for them. Open your eyes and watch the videos you have been avoiding and read the articles by those you're told are crazy and hateful. Look, read, study - and I think you will be shocked by all the lies you'll suddenly realise you have been believing.

If it helps, I never make a post along 'conspiracy lines' if I have not seen and read enough to believe it is true.

I am only trying to give you the information the MSM are hiding from you

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

4th December, 2018

  • posted on Steemit: 4th December, 2018


A simple, but 'true' post which I suspect 'few' un-awakened individuals will be assisted by; but if it helps to enlighten even 'one' person who was previously in the dark, we can celebrate.

That 'one' person who awakens...may be the one gifted enough to bring about a change for the good of humanity.

Keep posting, Arthur. It is good work.

The Greeks have a saying that opportunity knocks on everyones' door, but most people keep their door locked - and then complain that fate has been unkind.

In the hopes of what you suggested, I will keep on trying to help others see the truth. It helps that not all news is 'doom and gloom', at times it gets a little bit brighter and for a few heartbeats, I dare to hope.

I've also been sneaking in to get a look at some of your posts and I like your style :)

The Greeks have a saying that opportunity knocks on everyones' door, but most people keep their door locked - and then complain that fate has been unkind.

I remember hearing that years ago...just didn't know it was from the Greeks. Probably from that old, eccentric poet, philosopher, Greek Barber in Astoria NY I used to get my haircut from...? (Astoria = Little Greece before the Gentrification)

I've also been sneaking in to get a look at some of your posts and I like your style :)

Thank you Arthur...I try to write in a style which is 'hopefully' easily absorbed.

Anybody who reads the above and has questions - please go ahead and ask.

Even if I do not have the answer, I will try to get it for you.

PROOF: Far Left Looters Rioted in Paris, not "Yellow Vests" - also, Macron tells Yellow Vests 'Come Get Me'

Scared of clouds

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