German Parliament members erupt in laughter


as Angela Merkel vows to combat Muslim migrant crime by cracking down on “right wing extremists”

Hey 'arthur.grafo', you always love to dramatise everything to suit your own perspective, isn't it?

  • My answer is, why not watch the video, or read the direct quotes underneath and then accuse me?


The AfD, (Alternative for Germany), is the only classical European party on the German political spectrum. They are family oriented, want secure borders, and believe in the preservation of the nation state of Germany, much as President Trump does of America.

Dr. Gottfried Curio questioned the Chancellor about an event that took place in Augsburg, when a fireman was murdered in front of his wife by 7 culture-enrichers at a Christmas market in the German city. The fireman was attacked by seven Muslim “youths”, most of whom had multiple citizenships — Turkish and Lebanese in addition to German. The attack also “left the firefighter’s male friend badly injured.”

Curio questioned Chancellor Angela Merkel on her catastrophic decision to leave Germany’s borders open at the start of the 2014/2015 illegal Muslim migrant invasion. Last year alone, there were hundreds of cases of murder and manslaughter, and thousands of cases of sexual assault by Muslim men on German women and girls.

Between 2014 – 2018, there were more than 800,000 Muslim migrant crimes in Germany, and those are just the one that were reported. It’s your fault, Madame Chancellor.

Curio asked whether Merkel recognizes the systemic problem of crime?

The Federal Report on Immigrant Crime shows that Augsburg is the tip of the iceberg. The immigrant perpetrators have multiplied dramatically since 2014. Last year hundreds of cases of murder and manslaughter, thousands of cases of sexual assault, tens of thousands of cases of bodily injury. In light of such numbers of migrant criminals, would you speak of isolated incidents or do you recognize that there are systemic problems?

“We want to combat all forms of violence,” replies Merkel, “for example by creating a large number of new positions in the fight against right-wing extremism.” Parliament members burst into laughter over the absurdity of Merkel’s response, who refused to recognize the ongoing daily threats caused by Muslim migrants and the radical left.


To read at source:

  • ya, well 'arthur-grafo', you have not convinced me, I did not see any of the good MSM report it.


... ('arthur.grafo' is chuckling)

My belief in Free Speech is my Shield

Posted: 22nd January, 2020


The overwhelming majority of violent crimes are committed by males between the ages of 15 and 25. THIS is the high-risk group (but good luck getting that broadcast on television or radio).

And in a perverse symbiosis, these same violent males are the ones we depend on to staff our MILITARY AND POLICE FORCES.

Is this guy seriously railing against "machismo"??

Have you ever seen an advertisement for military recruitment?

Have you ever seen any of the (government sponsored) movies that glorify war and self-sacrifice (the HERO fallacy)?

The problem is compounded by the fact that it is not only happening to Germany...not even to only Europe. It is happening in Australia and even the US. Many who are from the US do not think it is true of their own country....

Once we start showing ecamples, we'll run out of time, but not out of examples.
At least, with the USA, if they take action now they might save themselves.

I'm not a fan of ad hominem attacks, but I'm even less of a fan of censorship and retaliation.

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