Why Western Mainstream Media Propagandists Love the Kurdish Fighters?

in #informationwar5 years ago

There was a systematic organized campaign across all NATO and stooges media to glorify anybody who fights against the Syrian people, the Syrian State, and the Syrian armed forces, while tirelessly trying to demonize the Syrian state.

Western MSM pundits and Pentagon propagandists kept praising the FSA until they couldn't cover up the heinous massacres and crimes that group carried out against the Syrian people and then new campaigns were always launched to rebrand the terrorist umbrella which all other terrorist groups emerged from under.

Same thing with the Kurdish militias, while the Syrian National Defense Forces forged by locals under the supervision of the Syrian state in areas targeted by US-sponsored terrorists of ISIS, Nusra Front (Al-Qaeda Levant), Jaysh Al-Islam and others, the Kurds were seeking help from Israel...!

Why from Israel? Officials in Iraqi Kurdistan have a long history of cooperating with Israel, they share the same goals to Israelize as much as they could land for a new 'Greater Middle East' that no other than hypocrite Erdogan spearheads in his capacity as he heads his regional power country Turkey.

We continue to see this campaign now after the Erdogan aggression against Syria, and note how Syrians are now minimized in the Pentagon media outlets to only the Kurds who are a minority among the other Syrians who sheltered the early Kurds fleeing the Ottoman oppression more than a century ago.

On the other side, the only forces that have effectively fought against all sorts of terrorist groups all over the country throughout more than 8.5 years now and defeated them are the Syrian armed forces and their allies, thus my below tweet today:


Followed by this one in the same thread:


If the #Kurds didn't have their own separatist agenda to Israelize large parts of #Syria they'd be ignored & chastised like all Syrians by the western corporate propagandists

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