Why Most Countries Oppose Israeli Land Theft Attempt of Golan?

in #informationwar5 years ago

Trump signed a paper recognizing Israel's ownership of the Syrian Golan region, only Israelis were happy and not even all of them, those who know that further land theft draws further condemnation and determination to liberate the land feared the bad move.

In essence what Trump did was exactly what Britain did a century earlier: He gave a land he doesn't own to those who do not deserve. Or in other words: Stole a land and gifted it to others.

The land is Syrian and will remain Syrian and sooner or later will return to Syria; history doesn't accept mistakes to continue for long unfixed.

A member of the pro-Zionist Quora wiki Q & A asked this question: Why do most countries not recognize Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights?

Some Israelis tried to convince him in their replies that they have some forged documents of historical events pertaining to other people which makes it their right to steal this land.

I left the following reply which I'm copying here to preserve it from Quora's heavy censorship especially when it comes to them defending Israel and its war crimes, so this is what I wrote there:

It has to do with the fact that the vast majority of the world still respect International Law to a large extent, otherwise we would have extincted long ago.

Even the regime of Donald Trump when it recognized this land-theft attempt it did so out of the need to wash its hands from the constant demands of Israel and the entire region, and as well so that Trump would win the support of the real decision makers in next elections.

The US has no intentions to fight more wars for Israel and get further isolated on the international arena.

Just looking at the final weeks of Obama being president when he didn’t need any further support from the lobbyists, his regime joined the rest of the world in unanimously condemning Israeli settlements on stolen Palestinian lands.

Israelis can print thousands more of articles and books claiming any right in our region, that won’t change anything in history, when time is ripe history fixes the mistakes like it always did. Syria has seen the rise and fall of the greatest empires that lasted centuries, a tiny mole for few decades won’t do much harm.

Read this: Amb. Jaafari: The USA Can Give Up a State or Two of its Own to Israel

and this: Jaafari on Golan: Trump Tweet Flagrant Violation, Contempt for International Law

End of my reply there.

How would you feel if another country collects a group of people from across the world and decides that your land where your house is belongs to them and if you don't accept to evict your land and hand it to them they'll simply bomb you and your family to make sure nobody objects?

Your objective comments are always welcomed.

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The world attacked Russia from every direction after they annexed Crimea and now that the Israelis want to do much worse, the same countries that opposed Russia are silent as rats. This just shows the hypocrisy of the world we live in.

The Israelis claim to hate the Nazis while they support and give weapons to the Nazi Battalion in Ukraine.
The Israelis claim to hate the Islamic Terrorists while they support and give weapons to the Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda and ISIS, in Syria.
The Israelis claim to hate the Nazis while they have their own Nazi Regime, committing atrocities and genocide over the Palestinians for the last 7 decades.

It's time for the world to wake up and stand against the Nazi Regime of Israel. And the USA should be the first ones to do it. After all, it were the Israelis who developed and executed the 9/11 attacks. If the US wants justice, then Israel must be brought down to its knees.

There's a video clip in this post an introduction of a very important book, I suggest you watch it, or read the transcript under it and even get the book if you can, it tells why the US is not independent and who rules it with details and how they got there, check it out: https://www.syrianews.cc/political-zionism-in-the-united-states-of-america-astounding-facts/

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Thanks for always sharing your truths on the blockchain. You are needed @arabisouri.

They dominate the other platforms and now they're creeping into this one.. thanks for the follow and upvote.

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