The Land of the Free, they Say!

in #informationwar5 years ago

screenshot from tweet:

The United States of America has invaded many countries around the world, destabilized many others, almost each other country, to export its overflow of 'freedoms'.

US 'think' 'tanks' spread the false narrative that the rest of the world hate them because of their 'freedoms'.

( 'Think' and 'Tank' are in quotations and not in single word as the first is questionable since thinking should lead to positive outcomes, and the latter is literal as in tanking down)

Now after enforcing another limit on freedoms in the USA with Trump making it illegal to criticize Judaism, Zionism, and all Israeli crimes justified with the first two: belief and political ideology, but still can criticize all other religions and beliefs, what's left of their delusional freedoms they can brag about?

The real people in control of the US decision-making posts are totally different than the faces you see in the media, those faces are just fronts to those in control. Here's more: The Real Decision Makers in the USA, Not the People, Not the Elected nor the Appointed Politicians.

Maybe it's time to export some freedoms to the USA? Just to help them establish a proper 'democracy' they lack by using NGO's like the NED, WorldAid (like the USAID), and a Free American Army of 'Moderate' heavily armed 'freedom fighters'?

The US people are very lucky for two things: 1) The rest of the world is not evil as their politicians and real owners, 2) and there's no US embassy in the USA!

Your objective comments are always welcomed.

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upvote resteem.gif


I was confused the moment I read this comment...

Now after enforcing another limit on freedoms in the USA with Trump making it illegal to criticize Judaism, Zionism, and all Israeli crimes justified with the first two: belief and political ideology, but still can criticize all other religions and beliefs, what's left of their delusional freedoms they can brag about?

Who authorized this law? Which countries have this law? US Congress cannot agree on anything right now, so passing a controversial foreign law like this practically impossible.

If the US President says his country will have consequences against nations who say/do things he disagrees with, yes that is potentially a denial of freedom I suppose. Not the same as saying he made it illegal to speak about certain subjects, when there is no such law.

I am confused. Maybe you can clarify what you mean by illegal.

Trump has signed more controversial foreign policy 'executive orders' like the one for moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, the granting of Syrian Golan to Israel, the abolishing of Iran deal, Climate Change withdrawal, and many others, he totally disrespects the Congress and they are spineless or maybe accomplices.
This might help you understand the notion behind Trump's decision, though complicated but in relations to previous acts he must have very bad advisers:

Apartheid against who exactly. Iranian Propaganda again? I'll say it one more time. You have 3 million Arab Israeli's which is a good majority of Israel's population. They have freedom of religion be it muslim, christian, druze, whatever.

So is it Arab apartheid you speak of? Religious persecution you speak of ? GAY persecution you speak of?

This is how you operate; LIES

And you try to fund your bullshit lies.

Not sure on which planet you are or whether you watch any news other than Zionist propaganda, but 3 million Arabs forced to carry an Israeli ID then they can never have proper votes in elections and have to use segregated roads then you complain?
Maybe better you visit one Palestinian town occupied by Israel in the West Bank, try to use your special roads and see if you can reach there or stop at their border checks and try to enter there.
Your cheap propaganda and downvoting of posts just because you want to hide the nature of the apartheid occupation doesn't help. The world is much larger than your closed community.
And since you mentioned freedoms of religion, I'm sure you never heard of Jewish settlers and Zionist officials desecrating the Aqsa Mosque, preventing the majority of Muslims to pray there, imposing an age limit above 40 on ordinary days and above 50 on religious days to enter and worship, then you call that freedom?
Try to spread your Zionist propaganda elsewhere.
Besides, why don't you address the topic of this post? The freedoms in the USA with this new law?

So, you love Palestine and you hate Israel? But I love Israel. I hate Zionism. I hate Jihadism. I hate Palestine. I hate tyranny. I like people. I want governments to get smaller and smaller. Bad individuals get into governments all around the world. Bad people infiltrate many nations, many governments, globally. So, that is why I say America is not America. Globalists and others infiltrate governments and get countries involved in wars and involved in smuggling children, drugs, women, trafficking, etc. All kinds of bad things are happening in the world because of the bad people. There are many bad people in different countries. One bad guy is Soros.

I have an ID .. you don't ? I guess you live in no country. Propaganda.. you try master the art of miss-direction knowing clearly all citizens of any country have ID.

Clearly I am allowed to down-vote something I know not to be true.

Visit occupied Israel what?

Just because you SAY it's yours (even though you don't even live there) doesn't make it yours.

So facts:

  • No apartheid check
  • Freedom of religion check
  • Freedom to vote check

Arabs are doctor's, lawyers, JUDGES, and serve in the IDF. These Arabs have different religions. The Druze are also Israeli's.

So Arabs fighting Arabs sounds like..
So far only one side seems to be the real asshole.

And BTW the Al-AQSA is ONLY visited by Muslims and is owned and operated by the WAQF in JORDAN an Arab State. Jews are not PERMITTED.. now where's the apartheid? Oh but that's ok. - FACT

It would seem this reply is too factual for your lying propaganda ass.

HA! You are worried about Israeli internal political corruption whilst you Arabs keep killing each other in other countries ie. Syria Yemen Saudi Arabia Egypt Iraq Iran and that's less corrupt some how? Like political corruption is an ISRAELI only problem. NO CONVICTION EVEN GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT? Yah that's how you guy's work. Should know from all the KILLING you do to your own religion / people. Shiit vs SUNNI how's that working for you?

Oh wait that's ALSO Israel's faul?
Perhaps you ate rotten food and had diarrhea and it's Israel's fault?

Yes I know all the Arab political and violent turmoil 'ARAB SPRING' ALL ISRAEL fault. Please Amalek the only reason I engage with your lying ass is because others will read this and THINK!

Let's just do what we all wanna do right? CAN'T WAIT! Cocked and loaded Amalek!


Let me ask you one question you pathetic liar:


Ok here's the thing you pathetic little man. If Israel is so evil; why do Arabs even LIVE in Israel? PRAY in ISRAEL have MOSQUES in ISRAEL? Maybe they don't exist?

Truth is a problem for your agenda I know.

He probably doesn't know the difference between the people of Israel and some of the bad individuals within Zionism and other things as well. There are differences between the race and the religion for example. Some people might be Jewish by blood but they may not believe in Judaism or in Christianity. By the way, these two religions are supposed to be the same religion. And they are. The Jews that recognize this are called Messianic Jews.

Cheap propaganda failing to comment on the post topic and averting the attention to draw some cheap sympathy.

Watch the herds of foreign imported settlers raid one of the Muslims holiest sites protected by heavily armed gangsters of the IDF terrorist organization:

  1. From Israeli source in August this year:

  2. From an Arab source in May this year:

If you never heard of this, it's a problem, if you heard of it and trying to ignore it, it's your true reality.

BTW, how many elections are there this year to reinstall a prime minister for the 6th time despite all the corruption and legal issues his own prosecutor is accusing him of? What's the use of elections if you keep repeating it until the desired results happen? Fooling the world? Or yourselves?

Go back to your home country and take your family members with you, nobody is safe on land stolen from others.

the united states has not been free since 1924 when woodrow wilson sold out the dollar to the rothschild banksters.

Thank you @arabisouri for the insight of this news updates. Freedom is very paramount and every nation must fight for it.

America is not America.

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