Quora's Censorship Never Fails

in #informationwar4 years ago

I understand the platform is a staunch defender of Israel, Zionism and everything anti-Jewish, but I don't understand how the following answer violates Quora's policy:

The reason quoted this time is: Your answer may need improvement.

Not that I didn't anticipate that Quora's moderators would censor any of my answers, they do that just because I am not a Zionsit, or you can say a very much anti-Zionist because this political movement stands against all my beliefs and all of my activism defending the Jews from the self-proclaimed 'elitists' and 'global banksters'..

The answer was collapsed after receiving over 2300 views and 13 upvotes in 17 hours before the moderators collapsed it:

In the previous post before this I copied the entire answer I left on Quora for this very particular reason and mentioned that I'm preserving it from Quora's moderators, see: Were Iranian Missiles Precise or Just All of them Missed their Targets in Ain Assad?

As for Steemit, we do have some trolls here who show their heads whenever they feel endangered by some facts exposing their lies. But that aside, which is understandable, can someone tell me about those automated 'downvotes' downvoting every single answer while they do not produce any content at all?

Your objective comments are always welcomed.

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upvote resteem.gif


Downvoting is simply someone expressing themselves, albeit if it's automated then it seems they feel strongly about it, but other than resource credits and voting power there's no limitations to when or how they can downvote in regards to publishing content. If them expressing themselves as they do bothers you then you can try to get a conversation going with them personally, but then I'd say that it's not any different than trying to understand why someone is giving you an ugly face on the street, making you seem not confident in yourself.

I'm really not concerned about humans doing downvotes however bad and troll-like they are.. But the system is flawed with these bot-like accounts who get some powers delegated and they are set to downvote each post automatically, whatever the contents are. It's very counterproductive.
To eliminate bots they halved the revenue and limited the number of upvotes, but at the same time allowed automatic downvotes by bots..

"They" never took any steps like you seem to think they did. The "revenue" was not halfed, and the number of upvotes was limited to better reflect how much it's possible to consume, in turn making upvotes more powerful at the cost of less upvotes, and nobody "allowed" automatic downvoting or bots, in fact, automation is consequence of transparency and freedom of expression coupled with Decentralization, so nobody is to blame like you suggest with "they". Lastly, there's no "non human" bots, all bots are ONLY humans, people who set them up and chose to express themselves in that manner.

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