How Could the Heavily Armed Saudi with All US and UK Weapons Be Bombed by Drones?

in #informationwar5 years ago

If there's anything to learn from the unbalanced conflicts is when there's a people ready to defend their land at all costs against aggressors with all the backing of their allies, the people always win; this is evident in Syria winning an unwinnable War of Terror waged against it by the US and over a 100 countries which prioritized destroying Syria over the well being of their own people, and by 'Hezb Allah', the Lebanese movement which defeated the US's 51 state Israel, multiple times already.

The Yemeni people are no exception in this rule.

A member of Quora asked this very legit question: How can a drone attack happen to Saudi Arabia if they have spent so much buying military tech from the US and the UK?

And I'll copy my answer there to his question here to share the knowledge with readers on this platform and also to preserve my answers from Quora's censorship, so this is what I replied:

Saudi Arabia is the second largest spender on weapons in the war just after the USA. Most of the weapons are not meant to be used, only to cover for the losses of the US in that regard.

The Saudis main problem is that because they think they’re in the US camp and serving all its agendas that gives them immunity from all attacks, but even the US itself is not 100% immune, there’s no such thing.

Also they look low at others because they are very poor all they have is money, opposite to a very civilized and nationalized countries like Yemen and Iran for instance. So they didn’t and will never expect that Yemen will be able to bomb them and hurt. I’ve been watching their commentators for a while and they’d always talk low about the Yemeni people and the Yemeni armed forces out of arrogance and not of anything. Arrogance is very costly.

The Yemeni Army waited so long and patiently before they started retaliating and still they’re retaliating with what is considered wake up slaps and not in real.

Ignore what the western mainstream propagandists continue to tell that the US allies in Saudi and its coalition are in control of the majority of Yemen and that they’re fighting a small religion Shia militia which is the Houthi. Houthis are just a group of tribes that follow a certain sect in Islam living in the mountain areas north of Yemen. What the Saudis and their coalition managed to occupy in Yemen is mainly empty desert land, the only considerable land they occupied is Aden and Socotra Island. The north of Yemen where the Houthis are part of is the most populous with over 20 million Yemeni live (Populated Yemen)

As you can see in the above map most of the land occupied by Saudi-led Coalition is empty areas and where Al-Qaeda is thriving now.

The Yemeni people have never been conquered in their history, each army that tried to conquer them was defeated due to their complicated mountainous land and their determination. Also their creativity which is now proven with developing drones and missiles capable of flying over US air defense systems and reach its heavily guarded targets and deliver the blow, despite the complete blockade the Saudis and their allies impose on the country to the extent they don’t have any borders with any other country or airport, all their airports were bombed by the Saudis, also no sea port except Hudaida in the west which they handed to the UN control in order to allow essentials imports through it of food and medicine.

You can’t win a war with weapons, you need men on the ground determined to win the war. The same lesson the US will never learn and will only be able to bomb and destroy but can never hold the ground, and later the US will collapse economically as a start due to the costs of these adventures, as what is happening to the Saudis at the hands of the Yemeni National Armed Forces.

End of my reply there

Your objective comments will be highly appreciated.

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