100 And Counting the Number of Trump Forces with 'Brain Injuries' from Iran Strike

in #informationwar4 years ago

Seems someone lied and lied very badly about the Iranian 'first slap' to Trump and his forces in Iraq who killed the Iranian Top General Qasim Soleimani earlier this year.

Iran said in its initial statements they killed 80 Trump soldiers in Ain Asad military base west of Iraq, Trump's war ministry refuted the claims and Trump himself said 'everything is well nobody hurt', remember?

Read: Iranian IRGC Bomb the US Army – That’s Not All!

Later on the US war ministry aka Pentagon started releasing reports of US soldiers with headaches that needed treatment by shipping them to a main hospital in Baghdad, to nearby Kuwait and to Germany! Who needs to send a soldier who has 'headache' to receive treatment in hospitals other than the clinic in the military base they're deployed at?

Now the number reached 100 US soldiers with headaches that require intensive medical care since it's diagnosed as 'brain injuries':

Source: Link

Lying about the number of casualties is common during war times, but it's not common from someone who bragged in a very bigot manner about killing the Iranian top general who was on an official peace mission as we learned later, and the Trump himself was informed that the assassinated general was visiting Baghdad coming from Damascus to convey Iran's response to the Saudi peace letter because the Iraqi PM told him so earlier in the day...

The cheapest killing of General Soleimani is proving to be the costliest ever on the US Army and the US's hegemony in the world, but that's exactly what happens when you place a TV clown at the helm of power in the world's former single superpower.

Your objective comments are always welcomed.

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Trump forces :) their whole establishment are liars from the top to bottom, don't expect any truth to come from that regime.

How do we stop Soros?

Can we kill Soros?

If a dog bites you do you bite it back? Just immune yourself , your community and your nation and you'll be fine. Soros is a single person, he's the face of a huge cult, taking one out doesn't solve the issue.

Soros is a single person but Trump is not?

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