Global Elites vs The Free Press

in #informationwar6 years ago

Privilege is real. There is a class of people who are in essence untouchable by law enforcement or society.

They exist inside of a protected space where they will never be exposed to the types of challenges that everyday people have to overcome. This privileged class of people never have to set foot outside of VIP rooms, or lift the velvet ropes. Other people are paid to lift those ropes.
If you are reading this post it is highly unlikely that you are one of the people in the privileged class of which I am speaking. These people have others who do their reading for them. They are the folks who live in the penthouses of super-structures. Their accountants make certain that their spreadsheets balance out, and their lawyers make certain that all of the T’s are crossed and that all of the I’s are dotted. They may not have someone who actually wipes their ass for them, but they do have someone who washes their feet, washes their hair, and someone who waxes their treasure trail.

These wealthy people are not written up in Newsweek or Fortune magazine. They don’t have exposés showing the seedy underbelly of the deals which they are involved in. They are immune to reporting, and the mainstream media doesn’t want to lose its advertisers so they will never mention these wealthy elites.


The people who live these protected lifestyles profit from the world’s suffering. They are the people who make money through the sales of bullets, bombs and body bags.

Their profits are soaked in oil, and coated in uranium dust. They are the people who receive profits from no-bid contracts at the governmental level, through hedge funds which will make their payouts anonymous.
A couple of years back we saw the release of the Panama Papers. This leak revealed that people in the highest elected offices around the world were actively working together to affect the global drugs and weapons trade. They used offshore accounts and shell companies to hide their illegal behaviors. They are shrouded in secrecy by the banksters, who manage their funds, funds which were created off of generations of death and destruction.


Wealth has been passed down through the generations of oligarchs. This wealth has been used to influence policy and shape laws.

I am not the first person to suggest that there are families who have been in control for thousands of years. In fact it takes only a small amount of digging to find the grooming of these heirs to the planet’s wealth begins early and is maintained until these people are ready to take the reins of power.
We see figureheads like Donald J. Trump as being the leaders, when in fact they follow orders which are handed down to them from on high. These presidents and prime ministers are leaders in name only. They have an agenda which they must follow. That agenda is to do with depopulation and total information awareness.


The man behind the curtain doesn’t have to answer to Dorothy in this Emerald City.

The Wizard of Oz is no humbug, and in fact these faceless and nameless individuals who are the actual rulers of this world are threaded, and genetically designed. The ruling class of humanity does not breed with the slave class. The people who are in control maintain their control through intermarrying and multi-generational agreements. This is why all of the presidents of the USA except for one, have been cousins. There are specific roles which specific families are given. If your family is not a part of these secret societies, your power will be limited to your generation, or you may be stripped of your influence in your lifetime.
In the USA we are taught that anyone can become president, and that the American dream is available to anyone who has a good work ethic and keeps their nose to the grindstone. This lie is propagated throughout our education systems and the mainstream media. If you work hard you can achieve anything. The reality is that there are groups of people who are born kings. They will never have to struggle or fight for their position. It is also true that people who are born into poverty are almost certain to remain poor throughout their lives.

This system of checks and balances in the USA is constructed around the ideas of equality, but the reality is that the system was put in place to protect those who are already on top. And to keep the working class at the beck and call of the taskmasters. At this point it’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s a fact that 80% of all income in the world went to .01% of the world’s population. It’s a fact that the people who control the halls of government use lobbyists and lawyers to keep the poor poor, and to further enrich the wealthy.


I wish that these so-called conspiracy theories were more broadly written about and exposed.

I wish that the fifth column held true to it’s ethic of challenging those in the halls of power by exposing facts which are relevant to society. I wish that there was an appetite in the public for this type of article.
My guess is that people actually are interested in this information, and that as a matter of course people who bring these types of articles to light are belittled and ostracized. Labeled as tinfoil nut jobs, the people who continue to push forward this sort of information have wound up dead. Media repression, and the murder of activists is the global norm where exposing those who are actually in control is involved.


These topics of who controls the war machine, who controls the money machine and who controls all of the food sources are genuinely important.

No one who is in control of the world’s resources deserves to be exempt from the public’s scrutiny. The fact that the mainstream media has given a pass to the ruling class is an indicator that our societies are slipping into oligarchy. It will take steady efforts on a massive level to put this protected class of oligarch onto the public’s radar. I like to think that the blockchain will be an effective mechanism for the distribution of information in a transparent manner and protected by open ledger technology that can expose this protected class. I like to think that the modern day information wars will be won by the insurgency. I like to think, do you?
Thanks for reading this far!


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