in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

The criminal state took off the mask and no longer dissimulates. The Venezuelan territory is being fragmented to be controlled by the different mafias and criminal networks. In La Goajira the Popular Liberation Army (EPL) commands, in the south of Bolívar the ELN, the FARC and the mining pranato.
But also in Paria operate the powerful drug trafficking and fuel smuggling networks, in Táchira the ELN, the FBL, and the paramilitaries fight; in the Sierra de Perijá, the Sinaloa Cartel was installed with its ELN protector.

The extension of the Venezuelan territory controlled by this universe of global crime and terrorism, where the bodies of security of the State, civilians and military can not exercise authority and therefore, Sovereignty, grows every day.

The criminal state begins to be exposed in another of its facets: corruption and money laundering in astronomical figures. 1,000 million dollars in a single case, among hundreds that are uncovering indefatigably in the courts of the world.

It is a grotesque show that begins to unfold: how the mafias were penetrating and co-opting people in all sectors, from the financial, through the communicational, political, business, financial, among others. Many things, actions and omissions, are now understood.
And while this dance of millions is exposed in dark accounts around the planet, hunger kills in Venezuela.

Caritas de Venezuela says it: 2 out of 10 Venezuelan children, between 0 and 5 years of age suffer malnutrition and that has already affected them, in some way, for their entire lives. The "rises of Maduro" that generated illusion first and then mocked; Now they provoke rage. Pure and profound. Nobody eats with stories anymore.

Hunger kills, as it kills sadness. Kill children and mothers. This is what I am going to express, as mom chokes me: in Venezuela today, approximately every 2 hours a woman dies from breast cancer, for which there is no treatment.

Do you know what is one of the causes of the immense increase in this disease? The sadness of the mothers who see their children leave, and that is reflected in an organ of intimate connection between the mother and her son, from breastfeeding.
Maduro, the Cubans and their mafias know that the corrosion of the system is accelerated and that the relevant forces of the world are not going to get stuck in an outlawed and failed state, with the lethal mixture of drug trafficking and terrorism, complemented by a voracious expansionist will, operating in the Western Hemisphere.

Therefore, the regime plans a repressive escalation because it is the only tool left to defend itself. They talk about peace, "economic corrections" and negotiation, while preparing for war. And for "their" war, they need to dissolve what is left of the National Armed Forces. That military institution that infiltrated Cubans, that corrupted in the borders and alcabalas, that degraded their preparation, training and remuneration, and to which they destroyed the meritocracy and the due obedience.

An alarming symptom of the progress of this process is the decision of the regime to give way to the more than 12 thousand requests for removal from the country, which were granted between September and October.

The regime then needs to neutralize the FAN that in its spirit was turned over, and "silence" the "rebellious" / radical sectors, which do not accept any cohabitation. And they have to do it quickly, before the international actions, which have already started, achieve their effect: discover all the accomplices and provoke the final confrontation between the mafias; with the consequent breaking of the regime and collapse of the system.

Under this reality it is evident that other appeasing forces come into action, with a lot of money and many "means". From Europe, through New York and even in the Dominican Republic, they find an echo to "a negotiated peaceful and electoral solution that avoids a violent outcome". It sounds beautiful. Of course, that means agreeing to moderate language, mutual recognition, electoral farces and TIME to oxygenate criminal tyranny.

Explain to that mom in Chaguaramas that she has 7 months looking for the pentavalent for her baby, that she ONLY has to wait 12 more months and meanwhile she prays that her son will not die.

Because of this, the risk is imminent and enormous; and yes, the possibility of removing the mafia system from the ground in the short term can escape us.

A criminal state is very different from a dictatorship. What are their power structures and their incentives? A dictatorship can surrender to a credible threat to its stability. A criminal state will only yield to the force applied. Those who, even in good faith, at this point raise conventional political solutions to stop this tragedy, are facilitating the purpose of permanence of tyranny and the dissolution of the Nation.

The truth is hard and irrefutable, although it is difficult to accept it, we have an obligation to act now. It is time for the synchronization between citizen, civil and military forces, that we are willing to save Venezuela, together with the international democratic forces that have the real power to provoke the rupture. Is now.

María Corina Machado



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