Imagine if Conspiracy Theories Were Akshully Coincidences? - We r all in globalist prisons together!

in #informationwar4 years ago

Imagine if Conspiracy Theories Were Akshully Coincidences? Imagine if We R all In This 2gether! Don't Imagine it, believe we are all in this together! (except for John Lennon, he's Akshully dead)

Sing "Imagine" and U Might Get Assassinated 1 Day 2.

John Lennon's "Imagine" once appeared prominently in a strange place

Am I referring to the recent cringeworthy displays on Social Media that left the majority of us plebs gobsmacked? Am I cringing at the realization that here we witness the exact moment of celebrity & popular mainstream culture reaching a new pinnacle?

Hmmm, maybe but in the meantime I cringe. Cringe hard at how reaching a new pinnacle of rapidly rising irrelevance and abandonment of validity seems to be the only goal that quarantined celebrities will ever achieve.

I am cringing, oh lawdy how I cringe and grimace at all this. Seriously people; these aren't people here your watching, clinging to, while unseen forces use their unbidden powers to keep you leashed, muzzled and tethered in self-imposed quarantine. They're pieces of shit which you should scrape off the bottom of your shoe's sole. Wipe them boots clean please before you take them off and come inside...

But no, this is not where the song "Imagine" by John Lennon appeared prominently in a strange place.

Weird huh? Here's some Ricky Gervais who is one of the only redeemable globally popular figures I can listen to and enjoy

So where is the website screen capture from?

What kind of flag is flown by an organisation that has the lyrics of "Imagine" linked to blockchain technology as a way of edifying the future?

I don't believe much in flying flags but I answer the above question with a meme that refers to flags as something one pledges allegiance to.

You dumb motherfuckers...

"But there's nothing wrong with that" - I hear yea of little independent thought squeal out loud patriotically...

Oh Really? Did you ask for this flag and it's organisation to rule your stupid ass? Did you ever cast a ballot and vote for this insidious, omnipresent AntiChrist? This Antichrist is the Son of Man - man at his absolute worst: child rapists, third-world exploiters, white helmets, peacekeepers...

Yes that is correct. It's a Globalist Suprapower: correction THE Global Suprapower!
It is them, entirely unelected and unwanted who "imagined" your future as it is today. Are you going to vote them out of power? Or complain online across the oligopoly of Social Media Platforms you are all centralizing any outrage or voices of protest on?


But Wait, There's More!

"Imagine" the UN running a global competition to create a blockchain technology to prevent child trafficking in Moldova?

text dump below

UN Blockchain
Multi-UN Agency Platform
Posted on November 10, 2017November 10, 2017 by yoshi3346

Blockchain for Humanity – Global Challenge

This is a Global challenge at United Nations Unite Ideas. You can find a link to submission form at the bottom of this page.

The World Identity Network (WIN), the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), and the United Nations Office of Information and Communications Technology (UN-OICT) are partnering to launch a pilot initiative that will use the blockchain technology to help combat child trafficking in Moldova. A first in the world, this project is part of a broader effort titled “Blockchain For Humanity”, announced during the Blockchain Humanitarian Summit in New York, on November 10, 2017.

Still the poorest country in Europe, Moldova has been trying to stop child trafficking for decades. The Government of Moldova is an official partner in this Global Challenge, believing that this breakthrough technology can be leveraged beyond commercial applications, for the social good.


The Global Challenge will result in a detailed concept and project design that could be further enhanced and used by the Government of Moldova for project implementation. However, the concept should be scalable and applicable to other contexts as well, including other countries around the world, where the prevalence of child trafficking is high.


The winner of the challenge will:

  • Be offered the opportunity to have an advisory role in the further development of the submitted solution.
  • Be featured at the United Nations Press, the Unite Ideas platform and more broadly in press and social media.
  • Be offered the opportunity to pitch the solution for potential investment from WIN and other interested organizations.
  • Please note that the winner of the Global Challenge is not automatically guaranteed award of contract for project implementation, nor investment or grants from potential donors.

This challenge is open to the general public. Public, private, and academic organizations.

How can Blockchain Technology Be Used to Help Prevent Child Trafficking in Moldova?

The task is to propose a detailed project concept and functional design of the solution that would encompass the following sub-components:


Undocumented children and minors can become an easy prey for human traffickers, who often use fake identification (ID) documents to transport them across borders. Once trafficked, these children and minors are sold to sex brothels, caught in modern slavery rings, and even used for the illegal human organ trade. Digital identity on the blockchain may offer a significantly higher chance of catching traffickers and securing data on an immutable ledger, further making any such trafficking attempts more traceable and preventable.
However, concerns over the privacy of the identity data stored should be identified and clarified, along with proposed ways of addressing them. The proposed solution should allow establishing a unique, secure, digital identity for children and minors aged 0-14 y/o (pilot size: approx. 350,000 children, with modalities of linking children’s personal identity to that of their family members.


Setting up a solution that would allow securing identity data on the blockchain, making an immutable record of the actual, or attempted exit with a minor without parents’ permission outside the borders of Moldova.

The integrated ID system may cover the total population (size: 3,500,000 people) or a subset of it, and the choice between these two options should be explained and justified. Issues such as “the right to be forgotten” and the self-sovereign control of data should also be addressed in the proposed solution.


Potential or actual victims of trafficking are often times isolated and lack support and help in critical circumstances. However, the traditional communication tools, such as direct contact with a social worker, for example, may not function in this context. Setting up a solution that would allow the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, for instance, could help recognize and detect patterns of behavior and automate communication with the victims.


Your submission must include the following materials:

  1. Detailed concept design and documentation describing the functionalities and explanation of the approach taken to solve the Challenge and the proposed solution.
  2. Demonstration systems, prototypes, or videos illustrating the functionality described. (you must provide a link to the source code of any demonstration material you submit).

If you decide to submit a solution, you will do so by providing Internet links where your documentation, software, demos and any material will be stored, which shall be marked and accompanied by creative common and recognized open source software licenses, and shall be visible and accessible to the general public. You will be asked to accept the terms and conditions below:


When you submit a solution to this challenge you agree to license it as follows:
Documents, presentations, Infographics, databases and any other content are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Read the full text of the license here:

Software and hardware is licensed under a GNU General Public License Version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation here: or another license approved by the Open Source Initiative, see:

You represent and warrant that you have all necessary rights, licenses, and permissions to grant the above license and that the content submitted by you and the submission of such content, do not and will not violate any intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyrights and trademark rights) of any third party.


The Government of Moldova, UNOPS, UN-OICT, WIN.


Yoshiyuki Yamamoto, UNOPS
Jorge Martinez Navarrete, UN-OICT
Mariana Dahan, WIN
Mihail Beregoi, Government of Moldova

Post your preliminary idea today!

The last day for submissions is January 10, 2018

For any questions please contact us at : [email protected]


? Conclusion? WTF? It's only just begun. I didn't see any of this shite posted here until recently, the UN stuff very recently. "Imagine" how much else is out there in plain sight or just one archived URL away that awaits us next year!!!!

Ohhhh, we are all going to have so much fun!!!!


Upvoted by @aagabriel for having similarities to the #informationwar tag. Anyone can add the tag #informationwar to posts like this, making it easier to find & upvote them! (by @aagabriel)

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All fun and games y'all!

Wow, the UN wants to turn the block-chain into chains that bind children.

... greaatt.

If i was president, i would bulldoze that building into the ocean.

And, i really hate the song "imagine".

Imagine the world being boring in every way.
No difference, nothing to live for
They won't even let you die

What a painful world.
If only we all thought the same, did the same, lived in cubicles the same

And the reason that block-chain project will fail is because there is no one with skin in the game.

The family unit should know and protect its children.
The family unit should be associated with many other family units to prevent children from being stolen, harrassed or killed from the outside, and enough good people to protect and raise them on the inside.

A database, no matter how decentralized, does not care about children.

And the leaders of Maldova are in on the trafficking.
They are part of it. And anything they implement will be able to be bypassed by them.

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