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RE: Information Finding Championship- Season 1: Round 26 entry- Philosophy and Rick and Morty

Some people believe that if life has no purpose, then there is no reason for living. While others think that if life has no purpose, that frees a person to find/create and follow their own personal purpose. Which is a more valid point of view or are they both equally valid?

Great question, I'm not sure anyone can answer this with 100% authority. But.. I think they are both valid, but I personally prefer the one where we get to make up our own meaning in life. :) I like that one, the.. Alternative one is rather depressing..

Is a life that focuses on avoiding pain and seeking out pleasure a good and worthwhile life? Why or why not?

This is an interesting one also I've been dealing with recently. I think it seems perfectly reasonably to try to gain pleasure and avoid pain for the most part.. Why would anyone want to gain pain and avoid pleasure?
However.. I think if you don't explore the more painful and difficult areas in life, that all that pleasure becomes very superficial and unfulfilling. Without a level of empathy for others and comprehension of all the suffering in the world.. Things become very basal in my opinion and shallow. But, if you go through the pain and hurt to try to really learn what life is like, then you can probably get to much deeper levels of happiness than someone who superficially focuses on just happiness ever will.

Thanks for the really thought provoking entry! Also I watched that vid you linked of Rick and Morty last night with a meal before bed and enjoyed it! That's a fun show to watch, super creative, intelligent and funny too. :)


I would rather create my own meaning as well. I was raised religious, but I had too many questions and not enough answers, so I have lived more so by the golden rule or, just don't be an unnecessary jackass to people.
How I see pain and pleasure is like how the old saying goes, "It is better to have loved and lost than never to love at all." You know how good you felt because of how bad you feel now. Without the bad, you have no reference for good.
Or, like whenever we get a cold, or twist your ankle really bad cause you're decided to be an idiot, you can look to the future and think, "Wow, I will really enjoy my life when I can think straight or walk without a limp again." Idk, I am kinda just yammering on now. lol
But, Rick and Morty is outstanding, and if you watch it now, you will surely have enough time to get through it before season four comes out. ha

Those are some deep wise words I can resonate with.. Pretty much everything you said I agree with. And no worries! I yammer a lot as well. I think yammering is important, whatever yammering means. Lol.

late 15c., "to lament," probably from Middle Dutch jammeren and cognate Middle English yeoumeren, "to mourn, complain," from Old English geomrian "to lament," from geomor "sorrowful," probably of imitative origin. Cognate with Old Saxon jamar "sad, sorrowful," German Jammer "lamentation, misery." Meaning "to make loud, annoying noise" is attested from 1510s.

Yep! I definitely yammer from time to time! Lol..
Also I'm not sure if I've mentioned it already but I have seen a number of Rick and Morty episodes, there's a channel on YouTube that streams some and it's a great show. I like it. I give them a lot of props for their high level of creativity.

Right! I like the improvisational feel of the show, makes it very free flowing but they still keep a coherent story in the chaos. I kept up with that youtube channel because Netflix didn't work here and I didn't have a good vpn. It is how I finished season 3. Lol

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