in #information7 years ago

What is HIV?HIV is a virus that attacks the immunesystem, which is our body’s natural defenceagainst illness. The virus destroys a type ofwhite blood cell in the immune system calleda T-helper cell, and makes copies of itselfinside these cells. T-helper cells are alsoreferred to as CD4 cells.As HIV destroys more CD4 cells and makesmore copies of itself, it gradually breaks downa person’s immune system. This meanssomeone living with HIV, who is not receivingtreatment, will find it harder and harder tofight off infections and diseases.If HIV is left untreated, it may take up to 10or 15 years for the immune system to be soseverely damaged it can no longer defenditself at all. However, the speed HIVprogresses will vary depending on age, healthand background.Basic facts about HIVHIV stands for human immunodeficiencyvirus.There is effective antiretroviral treatmentavailable so people with HIV can live anormal, healthy life.The earlier HIV is diagnosed, the soonertreatment can start – leading to betterlong term health. So regular testing forHIV is important.HIV is found in semen, blood, vaginal andanal fluids, and breast milk.HIV cannot be transmitted through sweat,saliva or urine.Using male condoms or female condomsduring sex is the best way to prevent HIVand other sexually transmitted infections .If you inject drugs , always use a cleanneedle and syringe, and never shareequipment.If you are pregnant and living with HIV, thevirus in your blood could pass into yourbaby’s body, or after giving birth throughbreastfeeding. Taking HIV treatmentvirtually eliminates this risk.What is AIDS?AIDS is not a virus but a set of symptoms (orsyndrome) caused by the HIV virus. A personis said to have AIDS when their immunesystem is too weak to fight off infection, andthey develop certain defining symptoms andillnesses. This is the last stage of HIV, whenthe infection is very advanced, and if leftuntreated will lead to death.Basic facts about AIDSAIDS stands for acquired immunedeficiency syndrome.AIDS is also referred to as advanced HIVinfection or late-stage HIV.AIDS is a set of symptoms and illnessesthat develop as a result of advanced HIVinfection which has destroyed the immunesystem.Treatment for HIV means that more peopleare staying well, with fewer peopledeveloping AIDS.Although there is currently no cure for HIVwith the right treatment and support, peoplewith HIV can live long and healthy lives. To dothis, it is especially important to taketreatment correctly and deal with any possibleside-effects.

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