What Mean beauty ini Islam?
good afternoon steemit this time I discuss about the meaning of beautiful in Islam.
As a woman generally always wants to look beautiful and attractive, because women are synonymous with beauty. Beauty is relative, depending on how we see it. Perhaps we often judge her beauty physically, like a cosmetic star artist and a soap opera artist or a movie artist. Then what is the beautiful meaning according to Islam?
According to the book Encyclopedia Al Qur'an AL Karim words issued by the Arabic Language Council, Beauty in maknai with elegance, subtlety and elegance. There is also a meaning in the beauty of the eye kasad is a beautiful thing that can make a person become like and love.
Beauty is not only given to men alone but to all things in the universe of GOD beautiful creations include animals and tumbuhan.Bukan on the universe and its contents can be given only beauty but also to human nature, character and temperament as well as spoken the beautiful one. Islam is a religion that calls on beauty and beauty. Where beauty is in the form of beauty maknawi the form of soul, morals, nature and attitude.
When GOD calls pretty Decoration in the Qur'an, GOD calls as the nature of the angel: "In the heavens there are angels were fine again pretty ones" (QS.Ar Rahman: 70)
Beauty decoration should be preceded by the beauty "Khairaat" that we women know that a good woman is a woman who has the beauty of character and morals better than women who have physical beauty and form alone. In summary it can be said that in the Qur'an ALLAH does not provide a specific benchmark on physical and visual beauty for women or men
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yes islam is riligion of peace