Influencer Marketing case study Breadwinners Agency

in #influencer2 years ago
  1. Sponsored TikTok posts: Collaborate with a TikTok influencer with a significant local following to create engaging and entertaining videos that showcase Breadwinners Agency's website design and social media marketing services. This can be in the form of product demonstrations, behind-the-scenes videos, or testimonials.


  1. Affiliate marketing: Team up with trusted local influencers who can promote Breadwinners Agency's services to their audience. Offer them an exclusive discount code or commission on sales made through their unique affiliate link.


  1. Instagram Takeovers: Partner with an influencer with an active and engaged Instagram following and have them take over Breadwinners Agency's Instagram account for a day. During the takeover, they can showcase behind-the-scenes of the agency’s operations and share tips and advice on how Breadwinners Agency can help local businesses improve their online presence.


  1. Influencer-hosted webinars: Collaborate with a recognizable influencer to host a webinar that provides valuable information and tips for local business owners on website design and social media marketing. The influencer can promote the Breadwinners Agency’s services at the conclusion of the webinar.


  1. Sponsored blog content: Sponsor articles written by industry influencers that review or promote Breadwinners Agency's services. Additionally, run paid social ads to target business owners. This marketing approach is suitable for influencers who also have a blog or website.

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