Deception: Federal Reserve part 2

in #inflation7 years ago

Federal Reserve Deception - Part 2

By manipulating the money supply through decreased or increased production the central bank regulates the value of the currency being issued. In the long run the only thing produced by this manipulation is debt. So where does the money to pay for the debt come from? It comes from the central bank again which means the central bank must perpetually increase its money supply to temporarily cover the outstanding debt created. The end result is economic slavery.

By the early 20th century the United States government had already implemented and removed a few central banking systems. At this time the dominant families in the banking and business world were; the Rockefellers, the Morgans, the Rothschilds, and the Warburgs. In the early 19th century these families tried to influence legislation to create another central bank. This group manipulated newspaper articles to cause a public panic which resulted in runs on the banks. This spiraled into the financial panic of 1907.

A subsequent investigation into this panic was headed by Senator Nelson Aldrich. Senator Aldrich had ties to the banking cartel through marriage to the Rockefeller family. Senator Aldrich recommended the establishment of a central bank to prevent future bank panics.

In 1910 in a secret meeting the Federal Reserve Act was written by bankers not lawmakers. This act was made law by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913. Years later President Wilson expressed his regret through writings. He mentioned that we were no longer a government by free opinion, but duress of a small group of dominant men.

Allow me to control the money of a nation, I care not who makes it's laws.
" Nathan Mayer Rothschild "

The public was told the reserve system would be an economic stabilizer and that inflation would be a thing of the past. History has shown this to not be true. Modern technology has provided this cabal of bankers with an efficient machine to support their personal ambitions. From 1914 to 1919 the money supply was increased by nearly 100 percent. In 1920 the reserve system called in vast percentages of the money supply. This resulted in bank runs similar to 1907. Over 5400 competitive banks outside of the Federal Reserve system collapsed. This further consolidated a monopoly among a small group of bankers.

The reserve system is still a closed corporation. This system continues to craft and influence economic policy in the United States. Although there have been periodic congressional level discussions to open this system to an audit, no audits have occurred.

Learn everything you can about our economic system. This concludes part 2.

Never despise a humble beginning.

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The Federal Reserve isn't fully audited for a reason. They have been buying stocks to keep everything propped up despite the declining economy.

Plus the fact that it was created in secrecy illustrates it does in fact have long term nefarious intentions

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