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RE: What Steem Really Needs To Change The World

in #inequality5 years ago

You're conflating a bunch of different things here.

In the industrialized world, there are no barriers to women using crypto. Interest in such things tends to run along the same percentages of other tech areas - maybe 80% men, 20% women. The only real issue here is if men are being assholes to women as a group or not. There was a story last year about a BTC conference going to a strip club for "networking." That's pretty far over on the being an asshole spectrum. Simple solution, don't be an asshole.

In parts of the world where women are being oppressed, can't own property, are completely dependent on the men in their lives, then crypto can be an incredible power source for freedom as these women gain financial control of their lives. The issue here is physically getting access to computers, mobiles phones, or whatever to run a wallet and then getting funds into those wallets.


Come to Steem, find out that Boobs are needed.

Boobs are needed!

I love boobs!

What isn't needed is condescension.

I agree completely that women are welcome in tech, and yet it seems fair to point out that more men use steem then women. Thats not a problem exactly unless we want to grow steem faster and offer more humans the freedom of blockchain income.

Posted using Partiko Android

I didnt say there are barriers to women using crypto in the industrialized world...well no more so than anyone.

I said there are glass ceilings in the industrialized world meaning women, on average, do not get paid for the same work. They are also routinely overlook for promotions because of the gender.

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