Inequality Town Hall Meeting by Moore, Warren and Bernie Sanders. Together they own 13 homes and $61 million! Inequality?

in #inequality6 years ago (edited)

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I find it rather interesting these elites believe they can relate to us mere working class mortals. They are Part of the inequality game! Here is a video from Guardian News covering the meeting.

According to the Daily Wire, "On Monday evening, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Michael Moore, and economist Darrick Hamilton hosted a townhall on inequality in America. This makes sense, since they should know an awful lot about it: Sanders owns three homes, Michael Moore owned nine homes as of 2014 and was worth $50 million then, Warren lives in a $2.4 million home and is worth between $3.7 and $10 million herself. All three of them are intent on rectifying the financial imbalances in America by taxing people who make less than they do to pay people who make even less than that, presumably."

Found here

Articles abound on how people like Warren and Pelosi achieved their elite status on a $200,000 or less salary a year. You can just duckduckgo to do a simple search. Here is an interesting article about Bernie Sanders. This is from CNBC which states, "Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders had a surprisingly good financial year in 2016. While the Democratic socialist was warning against the concentration of wealth in the hands of "the top 1 percent," he was also joining their ranks.

Though his annual income of $200,000 still makes him one of the least wealthy senators, "the former Democratic presidential candidate made some $858,750 off book royalties alone last year," Newsweek reports. "Combined with his Senate salary, he likely cleared $1 million in earnings."

That would place Sanders — whose website says that "the issue of wealth and income inequality is the great moral issue of our time, it is the great economic issue of our time, and it is the great political issue of our time" — in the unusual position of being among the top 1 percent of earners in the U.S." Interesting isn't it?

I loved this tweet I saw! Get's to the heart of the matter!
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So true!
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So what do you think of this town hall meeting on inequality? Do you like it or do you find it hypocritical? Are they solving the problem or just laying blame on everyone else except themselves? How do you think they got their millions or even million? Let me know in the comments. Have a great day!

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