Grilled sweet corn

in #indonesia7 years ago

Dear steemian...
good night all friends. Have a good rest. and welcome to Monday. today the weather is rather cloudy. I want to share the idea of ​​suitable food in cloudy weather. we often spend the evening with family in loskala. while enjoying a very delicious grilled corn. there provides two variants of corn flavor that is only wearing coconut milk and also a mixture of concoction in added sauce to add pleasure. the price is relatively cheap. enough to provide ten thousand rupiah. you can enjoy three corns. you should try it. image

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. If you have free time you can visit my blog and follow me @zye.

Dear steemian...
selamat malam teman semua. selamat beristirahat. dan selamat menyambut hari senin. hari ini cuaca agak mendung. saya ingin membagikan ide makanan yang cocok di saat cuaca mendung. kami sering menghabiskan senja bersama keluarga di loskala. sambil menikmati jagung bakar yang sangat lezat. di sana menyediakan dua varian rasa jagung yaitu hanya memakai santan saja dan juga campuran racikan bumbu di tambah saus agar menambah kenikmatan. harganya pun relatif murah. cukup menyediakan uang sepuluh ribu rupiah. anda bisa menikmati tiga buah jagung. anda harus mencobanya. image

Terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu untuk
membaca postingan saya. Jika anda memiliki waktu luang anda bisa mengunjungi blog saya dan ikuti saya @zye.

Happy nice day and have a good activity 😉😉😉

Sweet regards @zye

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