The NSC logo is the Community Identity of the Nangggroe Steemit Community # * # Logo NSC adalah Identitas Komunitas Nangggroe Steemit Community (Bilingual)

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

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Each community must have its own identity and branding so that those who are entitled to it are only members of the community with the knowledge of the community committee. If there is no notice to the community leader even if he or she is a member of the community is considered invalid, this is all we do to avoid things we do not want in the future.

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The Community of Nanggroe Steemit Komunity (NSC) also has its own identity and branding, all members who want to use identity and Branding NSC must be knowledgeable from the NSC Leaders, it is the policy of the leaders to avoid the things we do not want. The NSC community already has legal legality, so we sincerely hope that all of our friends are in the NSC community, if we want to use Branding NSC in all forms, it should be our knowledge of the leaders, such as:

@abunagaya @binjeeclick @steem77 @bukhairidin @bukharisulaiman @hasanuddin @rayfa @ridwant @silvia @steemvest17 @dodybireuen @fujaxxi @safwaninisam @munawir91 @enzasteem @taministy @mushthafakamal @abieikram and @agamsaia. They are the ones who are entitled to grant permission to use all NSC bargains, then everything they have agreed on will be reported in a special leadership forum.

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The NSC community wants the comforts of all the members who have joined, so we are looking forward to all members to keep it together. Committed to what I have said above also partly from keeping comfort, we are the same small community keeping the cohesiveness to respect each other in everything.

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The most important thing we keep the same not to branding that we have utilized by others for certain interests, then who bears the burden of the future is the NSC community. If a person utilizes for good will not harm us, but otherwise, we all will bear the consequences besides the reputation of the polluted community as well as all of us who are in the community.

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Hopefully, we all have a sense of responsibility to keep this community because this community will not be big if we are not raising in accordance with our respective duties. All of the above notices I make are not because someone is already trying to break our community, but all this in anticipation of us the leaders and all members of the "NSC Group" against any possibility that may occur in the future. Our hope as NSC Community leaders, all members want to keep the good name of our community NSC, so that we can all continue together and move forward under the umbrella of "STEEMIT INDONESIA".

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Good evening may we all in good health and of course always in the shelter of God because we are only given the right by God to try while for the results of our efforts is the provision of God the owner of the universe.

So a little discourse from me tonight, hopefully with this discourse can strengthen our brotherhood in this community.

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Each community must have its own identity and branding so that those who are entitled to it are only members of the community with the knowledge of the community committee. If there is no notice to the community leader even if he or she is a member of the community is considered invalid, this is all we do to avoid things we do not want in the future.

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The Community of Nanggroe Steemit Komunity (NSC) also has its own identity and branding, all members who want to use identity and Branding NSC must be knowledgeable from the NSC Leaders, it is the policy of the leaders to avoid the things we do not want. The NSC community already has legal legality, so we sincerely hope that all of our friends are in the NSC community, if we want to use Branding NSC in all forms, it should be our knowledge of the leaders, such as:

@abunagaya @binjeeclick @steem77 @bukhairidin @bukharisulaiman @hasanuddin @rayfa @ridwant @silvia @steemvest17 @dodybireuen @fujaxxi @safwaninisam @munawir91 @enzasteem @taministy @mushthafakamal @abieikram and @agamsaia. They are the ones who are entitled to grant permission to use all NSC bargains, then everything they have agreed on will be reported in a special leadership forum.

The NSC community wants the comforts of all the members who have joined, so we are looking forward to all members to keep it together. Committed to what I have said above also partly from keeping comfort, we are the same small community keeping the cohesiveness to respect each other in everything.

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The most important thing we keep the same not to branding that we have utilized by others for certain interests, then who bears the burden of the future is the NSC community. If a person utilizes for good will not harm us, but otherwise, we all will bear the consequences besides the reputation of the polluted community as well as all of us who are in the community.

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Hopefully, we all have a sense of responsibility to keep this community because this community will not be big if we are not raising in accordance with our respective duties. All of the above notices I make are not because someone is already trying to.


Setiap komunitas pasti punya identitas dan brandingnya masing-masing, sehingga yang berhak akan hal tersebut hanya anggota komunitas dengan sepengetahuan dari pengurus komunitas. Jika tidak ada pemberitahuan pada pimpinan komunitas meskipun dia anggota komunitas dianggap tidak sah, ini semua kami lakukan untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak kita inginkan dikemudian hari.

Komunitas Nanggroe Steemit Komunity (NSC) juga punya identitas dan brandingnya sendiri, semua anggota yang ingin memakai identitas dan Branding NSC tentu harus sepengetahuan dari Pimpinan NSC, ini merupakan kebijakan para pimpinan untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak kita inginkan. Komunitas NSC sudah punya legalitas yang sah secara hukum, jadi kami sangat mengharapkan semua kawan-kawan ada dalam komunitas NSC, jika mau memakai Branding NSC dalam segala bentuk harus sepengetahuan kami para pimpinan, diantaranya :
@abunagaya @binjeeclick @steem77 @bukhairidin @bukharisulaiman @hasanuddin @rayfa @ridwant @silvia @steemvest17 @dodybireuen @fujaxxi @safwaninisam @munawir91 @enzasteem @taministy @mushthafakamal @abieikram dan @agamsaia. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang berhak memberikan izin penggunaan semua baranding NSC, nanti semua yang telah mereka setujui akan dilaporkan dalam forum khusus pimpinan.

Komunitas NSC menginginkan kenyamanan bagi semua anggota yang telah bergabung, begitu juga kami sangat mengharapkan kepada semua anggota untuk sama-sama menjaganya. Berkomitmen dengan apa yang telah saya sampaikan diatas juga bahagian dari pada menjaga kenyamanan, kita adalah komunitas kecil yang sama sama menjaga kekompakan untuk saling menghargai satu sama lain dalam segala hal.

Yang terpenting kita jaga sama sama jangan sampai branding yang kita punya dimanfaatkan oleh orang lain untuk kepentingan tertentu, maka yang menanggung beban nantinya adalah komunitas NSC. Jika seseorang memanfaatkan untuk kebaikan oke tidak merugikan kita, tapi bila sebaliknya kita semua yang akan menanggung akibatnya disamping reputasi komunitas yang tercemar juga semua kita yang berada dalam komunitas tersebut.

Semoga kita semua punya rasa tanggungjawab untuk menjaga komunitas ini, karena komunitas ini tidak akan besar jika bukan kita yang membesarkan sesuai dengan tupoksi kita masing-masing. Semua pemberitahuan diatas saya buat bukan karena sudah ada yang berusaha memecahkan komunitas kita, tapi semua ini sebagai antisipasi dari kami para pimpinan dan semua anggota "Grup NSC" terhadap segala kemungkinan yang mungkin terjadi dikemudian hari. Harapan kami sebagai pimpinan Komunitas NSC, semua anggota mau menjaga nama baik komunitas kita NSC, supaya kita semua bisa terus bersama-sama dan maju bersama-sama dibawah payung "STEEMIT INDONESIA".

Selamat malam semoga kita semua dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat dan tentunya selalu dalam lindungan Allah, karena kita hanya diberikan hak oleh Allah untuk berusaha sedangkan untuk hasil dari pada usaha kita adalah ketentuan Allah pemilik alam semesta.

Demikianlah sedikit wejangan dari saya malam ini, semoga dengan wejangan ini dapat mempererat persaudaraan kita dalam komunitas ini.

Together we can. The spirit of Teamwork NSC is the most important
Thank you to Curator Indonesian @aiqabrago and @levycore

Contact me on discord
Indonesian Steemit
With the cooperation of Indonesian Curator and Team Work NSC, we will be able to provide useful works for all.

Tim Kerja NSC
@steem77 @safwaninisam @binjeeclick @abunagaya @bukharisulaiman @bukhairidin @rayfa @enzasteem @hasanuddin @taministy @mushthafakamal @ismadi @yusrizalhasbi @teukukemalfasya @abieikram @agamsaia @silvia @dodybireuen @munawir91 @ridwant @steemvest17 @fujaxxi @barzah etc.

Best Regards Steemit Indonesia

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Mari sama-sama saling mendukung

Jaya terus #NSC geutanyoe..

Mantap bang @safwaninisam semoga NSC Sukses selalu...

Logo identitas yang harus dijaga

Kalheuh lon peu meuchuhu beh... Hehehhe

Semoga perjuangan yang dia sia

Bersama kita bisa NSC Nanggroe Steemit Community sukses selalu @safwaninisam

interesting post

That is wonderful @safwaninisam. It is great to see a community come together around Steem. I know everyone you mentioned is going to be better off because of it.

I am a long time supporter of the Indonesian community. Hopefully what I will put up will spread throughout your country. We are a project that is involved with ending worldwide poverty via a crytocurrency just like STEEM. This is a basic income with the belief everyone in the world should have the resources to afford the basic necessities in life.

Therefore, starting in January, tokens will be distributed on a weekly basis (that is the goal but might be monthly) to anyone who signs up for a wallet.

This program of basic income coupled with proof of brain on steem will help stamp out poverty. I hope you and your followers join us and sign up.

Great .. and many thank to promote my community .. hopefully the presence of steemit can be more impact economically



Okay @taskmaster4450 I have followed your advice, please help our community members, our community members about 450 people. If you and your friends want to help us are very grateful.

Greetings Success For You from the NSC Community

Community Leaders

Lon hna pat teugon le..heheeh

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