Info bot upvote otomatis

in #indonesia6 years ago (edited)

Hai sahabat stemians hari ini saya akan kasih tau cara membeli vote otomatis dan bot nya sangat banyak

Pertama kalian buka di Browser kalian situs Steem Bot Tracker, pembuat situs ini @yabapmatt, beliau sering main utopian bisa kalian lihat steemit nya. Bagi pemula seperti saya pertama tama agak susah kalau tidak ada bimbingan, dan terimakasih kepada orang yang sudah membimbing saya. @novale @asri @husaini

Di steembotTracker disini tersedia bermacam macam bot cuma kita haru pelajari bagaimana sih cara memilihnya dengan benar karena sekarang banyak orang yang belum tau kadang kadang kita bisa rugi kalau sudah min di after curation

Contoh Saya kasih lihat gambarnya

Ini adalah contoh orang yang belum ngerti dan membuat orang lain rugi alias zonk kan kasian sbd kalian habis tapi yang di vote sama robot belum tentu balik seperti semula.

Saya akan kasih lihat daftar robot vote yang ada di

Dan saya sekarang akan menjelaskan apa sih itu bot Name
Yang ada Di sebelah kanan,
bot name adalah nama nama robot vote dan setelah username kita bisa lihat beberapa icon yang menunjukkan arti tertentu.
:update otomatis
: dana yang sudah kita kirim akan dikembalikan
 : steem

Vote Value

Adalah kekuatan nilai upvote si robot pada kondisi voting power 100%. Apabila postingan kita mendapat vote 100% maka bayaran yang kita dapatkan segitu enak bukan tapi susah dapat 100%.

Min Bid

Nilai bid adalah nilai terkecil yang bisa kita kirim.

Max Post Age

Adalah umur postingan kita ada bot yang bisa upvote cuman 2,5 hari dan ada bot yang bisa sampai 6 hari karena apabila mau 2,5 kamu kasih postingan yang umurnya 3 hari bot itu tidak akan meng upvote punya kamu karena sudah lewat batas post nya.

Total Bids

Adalah nilai bid yang sudah masuk, kalau nilainya bid nya sudah mendekati bid di vote value berarti bid untuk putaran ini sudah hampir penuh. Saya sarankan untuk memilih bot yang lain

Max Suggested Bid

Nilai bid dari bot tersebut. Karena apabila sudah menjadi 0.00 maka kamu harus memilih bot lain kalau tidak kamu akan merugikan orang lain dan kamu juga rugi

Last Vote

Waktu dari bot tersebut untuk meng upvote contohnya waktunya 2,4 jam berarti dia waktu upvote dia dari yang sudah dia vote 2,4 jam. Dan biasanya waktunya berbeda beda dari bot Yang lain

Next Vote

Adalah waktu pelaksanaan upvote pada putaran ini. Ini berlawanan dengan nilai Last Vote, karena semakin kecil waktu yang tersisa berarti semakin dekat dengan upvote putaran ini, Biasanya waktu nya akan sama dengan last vote

Untuk menampilkan keterangan yang semakin rinci dan siapa aja yang sudah membeli vote.

Send Bid
Untuk melakukan tranfer ke bot tersebut.

Bot bot yang ada di steem bot traker di update secara real time,
Dan ada juga bot yang masih update secara manual kalau bot yang masih manual memiliki tanda content biru
Dan yang terakhir ada gambar
Gambar ini adalah apabila kita melakukan kesalahan transfer sbd atau steem lebih kecil dari ditentukan maka sbd kita akan dikembalikan apabila tidak ada gambar ini di bot maka sebaliknya.

Hanya sekian dari saya dan terimakasih kepada abang abang dan kakak" yang sudah mendukung saya di steemit, @novale @husaini @zikra @asri @amre @hellenas @x-files @slempase @syipop @eriza @aqilafatan @rizal-sahabat @zaki-youngnurse @lyaandayani @yandot @zainale dan curator Indonesia @levycore @aiqabrago


Hi friend stemians today I will love how to buy automatic vote and his bot very much

First you open in your browser site Steem Bot Tracker, the creator of this site @yabapmatt, he often play utopian you can see his steemit. For beginners like me first of all rather difficult if there is no guidance, and thanks to people who have guided me. @novale @asri @husaini

In steembotTracker here are available various bots we just have to learn how the heck how to choose correctly because now many people who do not know sometimes we can lose if it is min in after curation

Example I love to see the picture
! [IMG_20180412_110007.png] ()

This is an example of people who have not understood and make other people aka zonk alias kasian sbd you run out but in the same vote robot not necessarily back as before.

I will love to see the robots vote list at
! [] ()

And I will now explain what the bot Name is
To the right of,
bot name is the name of the robot vote and after username we can see some icons that show a certain meaning.

! [] ()
: automatic update
! [IMG_20180412_110124.png] ()
: the funds we have sent will be returned
! [IMG_20180412_110211.png] ()
: steam

Vote Value

Is the strength of upvote value of the robot on 100% voting power. If the post we get 100% vote then we get the payment is not that good but hard can be 100%.

Min Bid

The bid value is the smallest value we can send.

Max Post Age

Is the age of our post there is a bot that can upvote cuman 2.5 days and there are bots that can be up to 6 days because if you want 2.5 you post posting age 3 days bot it will not upvote have you because it is past its post limit.

Total Bids

Is the value of the bid that has been entered, if its value bid is close to the bid in the vote value means bid for this round is almost full. I suggest to choose another bot

Max Suggested Bid

The bid value of the bot. Because when it becomes 0.00 then you have to choose another bot otherwise you will harm others and you also lose

Last Vote

Time from the bot to upvote for example 2.4 hour time means he upvote him from the he had vote 2.4 hours. And usually the time is different from the bot of the Other

Next Vote

It is the upvote implementation time of this round. This is the opposite of the Last Vote value, as the less time left means closer to the upvote of this round. Usually the time will be the same as the last vote


  • Details *
    To display more detailed information and who wrote who already bought vote.

  • Send Bid *
    To transfer to the bot.

The bot bot in the steam bot traker is updated in real time,
And there are also bots that are still manually updated if the bots are still manual has a blue content mark
! [] ()
And lastly there is a picture
! [IMG_20180412_110124.png] ()
This picture is if we make error transfer sbd or steem is smaller than specified then sbd we will be returned if there is no picture of this in bot then vice versa.

Just a few of me and thanks to brother and brother "who has supported me in steemit, @novale @husaini @zikra @asri @amre @hellenas @ x-files @slempase @syipop @eriza @aqilafatan @ rizal-sahabat @ zaki- youngnurse @lyaandayani @yandot @zainale and curator Indonesia @levycore @aiqabrago


ada beberapa variabel penting yang harus menjadi pertimbangan dalam melakukan perhitungan agar tidak rugi, misalkan waktu bidding volatilitas steem, dll.

penggunaan upvoting bot itu susah-susah-gampang, jadi harus hati2...

semoga berkah dan sukses selalu untuk kita semua.

You got a 45.31% upvote from @proffit courtesy of @acehero!

You got a 33.33% from @th3voter thanks to: @acehero!

kitten fighting :)
Image Source

This post has upvoted from @th3voter !For more information, click here!

You can earn daily profit by delegating SP to our bot, 98% of earnings paid out to delegators. To do so, click below:
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Great post! You've earned a 32.26% upvote from @dolphinbot
Join the DolphinBot Team for Daily Payouts in Steem! Click here:

This post has received a $32.26 % upvote from @siditech thanks to: @acehero.
Here's a banana! banana-small.png

Thank you so much for using our service! You were protected from up to 20% losses!

Help us grow by delegating to us! 100sp, 500SP, 1000SP, ANY SP

You just received 7.46% upvote from @onlyprofitbot courtesy of @acehero!

You got a 13.59% upvote from @redlambo courtesy of @acehero! Make sure to use tag #redlambo to be considered for the curation post!

You got a 3.98% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @acehero!

You got a 11.71% upvote from @luckyvotes courtesy of @acehero!

You got a 10.38% upvote from @sleeplesswhale courtesy of @acehero!

Good job..keep it up dude..

Thank you brother thanks to your guidance

You got a 14.04% upvote from @redlambo courtesy of @qira! Make sure to use tag #redlambo to be considered for the curation post!

Gethat mantaap bit.. (y)

Makasih ngen

You got a 50.00% upvote from @steembloggers courtesy of @qira!

You got a 24.43% upvote from @sunrawhale courtesy of @qira!

This service has been created with the help of @yabapmatt so please show your support by voting for him for witness!

Nyan ka mantap cara

Makasih teungku

This post has received a 25.00% upvote from @cirik!

your post is very good

This post has received a 28.15% UpGoat from @shares. Send at least 0.1 SBD to @shares with a post link in the memo field.

Interested to earn daily? Delegate Steem Power to receive 95% payout rewards. Use this link to delegate SP to @Shares. Join us at discord chat.

Support my owner. Please vote @Yehey as Witness - simply click and vote.

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