Harga Cabai Rawit Kian Pedas | Spicy Price Cabai Rawit

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

Harga cabai rawit sejak sepekan terakhir naik 100 persen di sejumlah pasar tradisional dalam Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Sebelumnya, harga jual cabai rawit hanya Rp 35.000 per kilogram, saat ini naik menjadi Rp 70.000 per kilogram. Penyebabnya pasokan dari petani lokal kosong. Sehingga, cabai rawit itu harus didatangkan dari Kabupaten Tanah Karo, Sumatera Utara.

Salah seorang pedagang di Pasar Panton Labu, Kecamatan Tanah Jambo Aye, Aceh Utara, Kamaluddin, Minggu (31/12/2017) menyebutkan pasokan petani lokal hanya bertahan hingga bulan Agustus 2017 lalu. “Dari September sampai sekarang kita beli dari Tanah Karo,” katanya.

Selain itu, tomat, cabai merah dan aneka kacang juga dipasok dari daerah dataran tinggi di Sumatera Utara itu.

Menjelang akhir tahun 2017 ini, bukan hanya cabai rawit yang mengalami kenaikan. Namun bahan pokok lainnya seperti telur, ayam, beras juga mengalami kenaikan.

“Harga ayam buras saat ini Rp30 ribu per kilogram, padahal sebelumnya hanya Rp22 ribu. Ayam saat ini sedang langka juga, karena sebelumnya banyak dibeli untuk kebutuhan perayaan maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW. Ini bersambung dengan tahun baru,” sebut pedagang lainnya, Muhammad Amin.

Pedagang beras, Ibrahim mnyebutkan harga beras mengalami kenaikan Rp 15.000 per 15 kilogram. “Kalau bulan lalu itu hanya Rp 135.000 per karung isi 15 kilogram, sekarang sudah Rp 150 ribu,” terangnya.

Sedangkan pedagang telur Faridah Juned, menyebutkan harga telur saat ini seharga Rp 43.000 per kilogram dari sebelumnya Rp 36.000.

ENGLISH - Spicy Price Cabai Rawit

The price of chili since last week rose 100 percent in a number of traditional markets in North Aceh District. Previously, the selling price of cayenne pepper was only Rp 35,000 per kilogram, currently rising to Rp 70,000 per kilogram. The cause of supply from local farmers is empty. Thus, the cayenne pepper must be imported from Tanah Karo Regency, North Sumatra.

One trader at Pasar Panton Labu, Tanah Jambo Aye Sub-district, North Aceh, Kamaluddin, Sunday (31/12/2017) mentions the supply of local farmers only lasted until August 2017 ago. "From September until now we buy from Tanah Karo," he said.

In addition, tomatoes, red peppers and various nuts are also supplied from the highlands in North Sumatra.

Towards the end of 2017, not only the cayenne pepper that has increased. However, other basic commodities such as eggs, chicken, rice also increased.

"The price of domestic chicken is currently Rp30 thousand per kilogram, whereas previously only Rp22 thousand. Chicken is currently being scarce as well, since previously purchased for the needs of the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This is continued with the new year, "said another trader, Muhammad Amin.

The rice trader, Ibrahim said rice prices increased by Rp 15,000 per 15 kilograms. "If last month it was only Rp 135,000 per sack of 15 kilograms, now it is Rp 150 thousand," he explained.

While the egg merchant Faridah Juned, said the current price of eggs worth Rp 43,000 per kilogram from the previous Rp 36,000.

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