Treating Cancer With Soursop Leaves, Is It Effective?

in #indonesia7 years ago


Many people who prefer to undergo alternative treatment to overcome the illness experienced. In addition to more affordable prices and access is also easy, herbal remedies are favored rather than chemical drugs because it uses natural ingredients so it is considered minimal risk of complications and side effects. One of the natural herb that is claimed to treat cancer is soursop leaves. What does the medical world say about this assumption?

Is it true that soursop leaves can cure cancer?
There has been considerable medical research that reports that soursop leaves (graviola) have anticancer properties. One example is a study published in the American Journal of Cancer Prevention. The study reported that the content of annonaceous acetogenins substances found in soursop leaves can inhibit the development of cancer cells.

The above findings are similar to those of a study from the University of Nebraska Medical Center. The team found that graviola extract was able to help inhibit growth to kill pancreatic cancer cells. A number of other studies also suggest that soursop leaf extract is able to inhibit the life span of breast cancer cells that are developing.

Not only that. Various other studies also mentioned that soursop leaves have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances. Both of these properties are reported to help ease the side effects of chemotherapy and other cancer treatments.

Do not carelessly drink soursop leaf supplements if being chemotherapy
Although the potential benefits are tempting to try, you should consult your team of doctors before taking supplements of soursop leaves during your chemotherapy.

Scientific evidence to support the claim of soursop leaf benefits for treating or preventing cancer is still lacking. The above findings are still of an early assumption because they are made solely on the basis of cancer cell culture test in the laboratory. There have been no studies that apply the experiments on cancer patients who are undergoing treatment. Therefore, further research is needed to reinforce this benefit theory.

If you happen to be taking herbal supplements while at the same time undergoing conventional chemotherapy, the additional drug effect of soursop leaf is suspected to interact with medical drugs and increase the risk of toxicity in organs. Several small studies have reported that graviola extract may pose a risk of nervous system damage.

Herbal medicine is not a major cancer treatment option
Alternative medicine, regardless of its shape, is not to replace medical treatment and / or medical therapy from a physician, but only as an adjunct. That is, the ideal healing therapy of the disease should still give priority to medical treatment of doctors.

Therefore, herbal remedies should only be consumed to maintain health, recovery of disease, or reduce the risk of disease - not to cure. Herbal supplements also should not be taken carelessly because the reaction of each person to drugs can be different from each other. Although having the same complaints, not necessarily herbal medicine that was suitable for you will provide the same efficacy in your child or neighbor.

So, it would be better if you prioritize your treatment plan with medical care obtained from doctors and other health professionals. But if you really want to try soursop leaf supplements to benefit, talk first with a doctor who understands your condition.

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