Introduce myself "nandaadefitra" (INA-ENG)

in #indonesia7 years ago


    Hi steemit

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Perkenalkan, nama saya Nanda Ade Fitra. Biasa dipanggil nanda. Saya berumur 17 tahun, lahir di Bireun, Aceh, Indonesia. Saya anak pertama dari tiga bersaudara dan saya seorang siswa di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) 3 Langsa dengan mengambil jurusan IPS (Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial). Saya memiliki banyak hobi seperti, bermain game, makan, membaca, bermain komputer, dan bersepeda. Tapi, dari semua yang saya sebutkan diatas, saya sangat menggemari olahraga sepeda. Kenapa? Karena, dengan bersepeda banyak sekali manfaatnya seperti badan menjadi sehat, melatih otot kaki dan pernafasan. Selain itu, kita pun mendapat banyak teman seperti bergabung dengan komunitas sepeda. Disamping itu juga banyak banyak hal-hal positif yang bisa kita dapatkan. 


       Selain bersepeda, saya juga suka bermain komputer. Banyak hal yang saya dapatkan seperti cara membuat web, membuat artikel (seperti yang saya kerjakan saat ini), meretas wifi, mendapatkan cheat game, dan lain-lain. Ya semua itu berkat kecanggihan teknologi saat ini. Semuanya tergantung dari kita bagaimana cara menggunakannya dengan bijak. Tetapi pada topik selanjutnya saya akan membahas masalah olahraga tentang bersepeda.    

    Oleh karena itu saya ingin berpartisipasi bersama Steemit untuk mengajak kalian semua ke hidup yang lebih sehat, bermanfaat, dan juga menambah banyak teman. Semoga dengan bergabungnya saya ke  Steemit, dapat membantu memajukan komunitas Steemit Indonesia. Mohon bantuan dan saran dari teman-teman Steemian’s semua agar kedepannya saya bisa berbagi informasi yang bermanfaat bagi semua.

Terima kasih dan ikuti terus postingan saya yang berikutnya. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. 

Salam Steemit. 


  Hi steemit 

Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings. Introduce, my name is Nanda Ade Fitra. Usually called nanda. I am 17 years old, born in Bireun, Aceh, Indonesia. I am the first child of three siblings and I am a student in High School 3 Langsa with majoring in Social Studies (IPS). I have many hobbies like, playing games, eating, reading, playing computer, and cycling. But, of all I mentioned above, I am very fond of bicycle sports. Why? Because, with cycling a lot of benefits such as a healthy body, train the leg muscles and breathing. In addition, we also got many friends like joining the bike community. Besides, there are many positive things that we can get.   


   Besides cycling, I also love to play computer. Many things I get such as how to create a web, create articles (like what I'm doing right now), hacking wifi, getting game cheats, and more. Yes it's all thanks to the sophistication of technology today. It all depends on us how to use it wisely. But on the next topic I will discuss sports issues about cycling.   

   Therefore I would like to participate with Steemit to invite all of you to a healthier, more rewarding life, and also add more friends. Hopefully by joining me to Steemit, it can help to advance Steemit Indonesia community. Please help and advice from Steemian's friends all for the future I can share useful information for all. 

Thanks and keep up with my next post. Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings.

 Best Regards Steemit.  

Salam Komunitas Steemit Indonesia


Keep Steem On @nandaadefitra


Selamat datang di komunitas steemit @nandaadefitra saya telah follow dan upvote di post pertama kamu
Saya harap kamu follow kembali @razzirean

Salam hangat komunitas steemit indonesia, saya tunggu post kamu selanjutnya selamat berkaya semoga sukses selalu untuk kita semua.

ok bro, thanks atas masukannya. ane follback and upvote deh :v @razzirean

Sports are great, I used to play handball until I smashed my knees. But were are my manners, WELCOME TO STEEMIT @nandaadefitra! Hopefully you'll get going, if you're having problems just browse through steemit and look for similar posts as you are going to write and I bet you'll get going real soon!
Glad to have you onboard!

Selamat bergabung di komunitas steemit @nandaadefitra saya telah follow dan upvote di post pertamamu
Saya harap kamu follow kembali @danarlutfi
Salam hangat komunitas steemit indonesia, di tunggu postingan selanjutnya selamat berkaya semoga sukses selalu untuk kita semua.

With love keep respect

Welcome to Steem @nandaadefitra I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Welcome to Steemit , Hopefully you continue to creatively provide interesting articles @nandaadefitra

ok om, thanks. follow ane bro :v @ilhamramadhani

Salam kenal ya.. Follow n upvote @kakilasak
Makasih rakan :)

iya bro, sama-sama :v @kakilasak

A new Steemian :-) hello @nandaadefitra I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, Wish you much luck! I will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

yes bro, thanks. :-D @tradewonk

No problem :-)

Welcome to steemit @nandaadefita
Teruslah berkarya..
Please follback n vote @rinaldi

iya bro, sama-sama. follback and vote ane juga yaa @rinaldi

Welcome to STEEMIT @nandaadefitra, it's community where you will be able to be the best among the best, write your hearts and minds cleanly without posting other people's work alias plagiarism. Your work will be the best after you write and write with a calm heart. Whether or not a piece of work is not determined by how much you are paid, but whether or not your work will be determined by your own belief in writing. Remember, being the best with manduplicates or copying some of the stories of others is not worth it at all. One thing more friends, being ourselves is better than us so the mirror of others. Best wishes, may you be one of the best. FOLLOW ME @amri

thanks bro, last follow :-) @amri

Selamat Bergabung @nandaadefitra
Teruslah Berkarya...
Salam Komunitas Steemit Indonesia !

ok bg Arsyad, thanks atas masukan nya. Salam Komunitas Steemit Indonesia ! @foarsyad

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