Influence of Drugs Against education | Pengaruh Narkoba Terhadap pendidikan

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

Drugs are substances or substances that are used for medical purposes or medications whose dosage is used in accordance with the recommendations of medical experts. Drug use in the treatment field is an example of an anesthetic for medical operations. The intended drugs are narcotics and drugs (containing harmful substances). In line with the development of the times, there is drug abuse in the community. Drugs are no longer for the benefit of medicine, but it has been used as a consumption that can cause addiction and very dangerous and damage the body organs of the wearer can even cause death.

imageIllustration: High School Student (source)

High school level students who are still in their teens are very susceptible to drugs because in adolescence the desire to experiment, have fun and follow the lifestyle of slang still high. They are very susceptible to influencing drugs. Currently many students are exposed to drug cases. Especially at this time many drug dealers because promising welfare of life if not caught legal apparatus.

The number of students involved in drugs is a serious concern of all parties. The destruction of the younger generation becomes the destruction of a nation's future. Therefore, the eradication of drugs becomes a very serious concern from the government. Police officers and the Health Office also held socialization and counseling to students about the dangers of drug abuse


Special educational institutions special schools emphasize moral and religious education to students through character education. They fall into drugs using a lack of understanding of religious education and moral education. In addition, parents are also very instrumental to always supervise the association of children.

Formal educational institutions, especially schools emphasize moral and religious education to students through character education. They fall for drugs because they lack understanding of religious education and moral education. In addition, parents are also very instrumental to always supervise the association of children.

Thus, we hope that the students will be free from drugs so that it can give birth to an educated and noble generation.

Hopefully this post is useful @nadilchairi

In Indonesia

Narkoba merupakan bahan atau zat yang dipergunakan untuk kepentingan medis atau pengobatan yang dosis pemakaiannya sesuai dengan rekomendasi ahli medis. Penggunaan narkoba dalam bidang pengobatan salah satu contohnya sebagai obat bius untuk operasi medis. Yang dimaksudkan narkoba adalah narkotik dan obat-obatan (mengandung bahan berbahaya). Sejalan dengan perkembangan zaman, terjadi penyalahgunaan narkoba pada oknum masyarakat yang tidak lagi untuk kepentingan pengobatan, tetapi sudah dijadikan konsumsi yang bisa menyebabkan kecanduan yang sangat berbahaya dan merusak organ tubuh si pemakai bahkan bisa menyebabkan kematian.

imageIlustrasi: Pelajar SMA (sumber)

Siswa tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas yang masih dalam usia remaja sangat rentan terhadap narkoba karena pada usia remaja keinginan untuk mencoba-coba, bersenang-senang dan mengikuti gaya hidup gaul masih tinggi. Mereka sangat rentan terpengaruh untuk mengkonsumsi narkoba. Saat ini banyak pelajar yang terkena kasus narkoba. Apalagi pada saat ini banyaknya pengedar narkoba karena menjanjikan kesejahteraan hidup bila tidak tertangkap aparat hukum.

Kasus banyaknya pelajar yang terlibat narkoba menjadi perhatian serius semua pihak. Rusaknya generasi muda menjadi kehancuran suatu masa depan bangsa. Oleh karena itu, pemberantasan narkoba menjadi perhatian yang sangat serius dari pemerintah. Aparat kepolisian dan Dinas kesehatan pun mengadakan sosialisasi dan penyuluhan kepada pelajar tentang bahaya penyalahgunaan narkoba.


Lembaga pendidikan formal khususnya sekolah lebih menekankan pendidikan moral dan keagamaan kepada siswanya melalui pendidikan karakter. Mereka terjerumus menggunakan narkoba karena kurangnya pemahaman pendidikan agama serta pendidikan moral. Selain itu orang tua juga sangat berperan untuk selalu mengawasi pergaulan anak-anaknya.

Dengan demikian, besar harapan kita para para pelajar akan bebas dari narkoba sehingga bisa melahirkan generasi yang berpendidikan dan berakhlak mulia.

Semoga Postingan ini bermanfaat.


Follow me @nadilchairi


A very hot topic in today's society... Knowingly or unknowingly the adolescent involves in the addiction of drugs... And once they take taste of that poisonous substance, they are unable to break their attraction towards drugs.. The whole future of the world is depends upon the youngsters of modern days... So if we have not cared about this touching matter, we have to feel guilt in one day... So it is our primary duty as a parents and as a teacher to sublimate the instincts towards a positive channel, so that they couldn't overpowered by evil influence of society.... Nice description!

Thank you my friend and have visited my post

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good post my friends....

Thank you my friend..

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Thank you my friend. when posting i use esteem app. may i use many tags. because in my opinion, the tags I use fit?

No it's fine, good info!

Halo, apa kabar @nadilchairi? Sudah diupvote yah.. :c)

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