Tips to Whitening the Face ini 1 Week

in #indonesia6 years ago


Having a white face and beautiful would be the hope of all women. White skin is identical with beautiful skin, charming and nice in the eyes. Although it is, for the skin of beautiful skin should be with extra effort.

We know, not all women have skin, some are brown, brown to dark color. For those of you who want to have white facial skin, it does not have to be expensive, you can do your own skin care at home. There are several ways in 1 week that you can do yourself at home.

How to care for the face in the next 1 week is to use avocado and milk. Avocado fruit is also familiar, is often used for facial and hair treatment. So also with pure milk. Pure milk is proven to tighten the skin to sepertu baby skin, supple and beautiful.

How to? The following

Provide avocado to taste, and pure milk.

Mix both ingredients until evenly distributed on.

Then apply to the skin and face that has been cleaned before.

Allow approximately 30 minutes and clean without using a cleansing soap.

Perform regular treatment every night for 1 week in a row and see the results.

How, you can not wait to try the above ways right? You have to be committed and consistent with one method, please specify what you want to use.

So some ways that can be done in 1 week that we can share for you, may be useful.


haiii salam kenal. saya dari indonesia juga.
cukup menarik

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