The Meaning of Birth

The history of the origin of a village in general can be extracted through archaeological and folklore remains (folklore). Archeology can be an inscription or photographs earlier, while folklore can be obtained through the stories of people who have experienced an event (the perpetrators of history) and those who only see the event.

According to the inscription Kanurahan, village * BULUL * is an area located in the area of ​​Malang. Along with the grammatical development that originally said * BULUL * over time consonant changed to * BUNUL *. Consonant change * L * becomes * N * according to the word: Melur becomes Menur and Panawijen becomes Palawijen.

So now this naming becomes a village in the city of Malang named village Bunulrejo or village Bunulrejo. The village of Bunulrejo is located in Blimbing sub-district and is one of the largest areas in the sub-district. Bunulrejo village consists of 21 RW and 186 RT which is divided in various regions.

As a native in the area do not once to forget the area where we were born and live there. Once we succeed in becoming a successful person, earning a bachelor's and master's degree will be better to serve in the village of birth. This is done as a form of love for the land of birth.

There are quotes from Bung Karno's first Indonesian president. He said JAS RED while the length of the word is * Never Once Leaving History *. The meaning of the words is enormous, we are taught not to forget the history especially to the heroes who are meritorious in achieving victory for the sake of the next generation.

So that we will be aware of the struggle of the heroes and will emulate the nature of his struggle in order to continue the relay of the heroes struggle. We do not have to fight like the heroes just study hard and diligently. Our struggle now is to promote prosperity and justice in the nation as one of our love to our country


Kadang sejarah suka dilupakan..
Skrg pelajaran sejarah apakah masih ada ya.. hmmm.. 😏😏

Sebagai orang yg peduli akan sejarah , akan saya pertahankan dan akan saya ajarkan sejarah kepada anak" jaman sekarang .
Yaa supaya tidak akan lupa dengan jasa para pahlawannya dan akan meneladani perjuangannya


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