History Today: June 1 Birthday of PANCASILA

in #indonesia6 years ago


History of the Birth of Pancasila

Birthday of Pancasila

The history of making this Pancasila originated from the promise of independence in the future to the Indonesian nation by the then Japanese Prime Minister Kuniaki Koiso on September 7, 1944. Then, the Japanese government established BPUPKI (Badan Pencelidik Usaha Preparing Indonesian Independence) on 29 April 1945 (2605, the year of Showa 20) aimed at studying matters relating to the governance of the Merdeka Indonesia.

BPUPKI originally consisted of 70 people (62 Indonesians and 8 special members of the Japanese who were not eligible to speak, observed only), then added with 6 Indonesians at the second session. The first hearing was on 29 May 1945 - June 1, 1945 to formulate the basic philosophy of the state for the state of Indonesia. During the four-day session there were thirty-three speakers. Recent research shows that Soekarno is a "Excavator / Perumus Pancasila". Other figures who contributed his thoughts on the Basic State were Mohamad Hatta, Muhammad Yamin and Soepomo.

History of Pancasila

"Claim" Muhammad Yamin that on May 29, 1945 he proposed 5 principles for the state of Indonesia Merdeka, namely nationality, humanity, divinity, democracy, and people's welfare. by "Committee Five" (Bung Hatta cs) is doubtful. The archive of A.G Pringgodigdo and the recovered A.K.Pingginggodigdo Archive shows that Yamin's claim is unacceptable. On the fourth day, Sukarno proposed 5 principles of Indonesian nationalism, internationalism or humanity, unity and unity, social welfare, and divinity of the One, which Soekarno called Pancasila. Soekarno's speech was received with great excitement by the participants of the session. Therefore, June 1, 1945 is known as the birth day of Pancasila.

On August 17, 1945, after the ceremony of the proclamation of independence, came a delegation from the eastern part of Indonesia. Some of these messengers are as follows:

Sam Ratulangi, representative of Sulawesi
Hamidhan, representative of Kalimantan
I Ketut Pudja, representative of Nusa Tenggara
Latuharhary, representative of Maluku.
They all object and express opinions about the sentence in the draft of the Preamble to the Constitution which is also the first principle of the previous Pancasila, which reads, "Deity with the obligation to enforce Islamic law for its adherents".

At the Session of PPKI I, on August 18, 1945, Hatta then proposed to change the seven words into "Belief in the One Supreme". The alteration of this sentence has been consulted previously by Hatta with 4 Islamic figures, namely Kasman Singodimejo, Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, and Teuku M. Hasan. They approved the change of sentence for the unity and unity of the nation. And finally along with the establishment of the draft of the opening and the body of the 1945 Constitution on Session PPKI I dated August 18, 1945 Pancasila set as the foundation of the state of Indonesia.


Pancasila Sanctity Day

On September 30, 1965, was the beginning of the September 30th Movement (G30SPKI). This rebellion is a form of effort to transform the elements of Pancasila into a communist ideology. That day, six generals and several others were killed as attempted coup d'etat. However, thanks to the awareness to maintain Pancasila then the effort failed. So September 30 is commemorated as the Day of Commemoration of the September 30th Movement and the 1st of October is designated as the Pancasila Miracle Day, commemorating that the foundation of Indonesia, Pancasila, is magical, irreplaceable.


  • Belief in the one and only God
  • Just and civilized humanity

  • The unity of Indonesia

  • Democracy Leaded By Wisdom of Wisdom In Deliberation / Representation
  • Social justice for all the people of Indonesia



Nice read. I leave an upvote for this article thumbsup

well... lahirnya pancasila melibatkan banyak orang banyak konfilik dan banyak pertentangan. namun pada akhirnya kesepakatn pun tiba

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